No entry barrier, no price barrier and no regulation in real estate
Track2Realty Roundtable-IV Venue—India Habitat Centre Moderator—Ravi Sinha, CEO & Managing…
Track2Realty Roundtable-IV Venue—India Habitat Centre Moderator—Ravi Sinha, CEO & Managing…
Substantial addition to supply has kept the rentals for the retail mall space in Pune stable in the first quarter of the year 2012, a report from real estate advisory Cushman & Wakefield India has said.
The real sector has emerged as one India’s largest drivers of economic growth. As a sector, it provides large scale employment and contributes significantly to the GDP. For decades, environmentalists have been warning that frenetic human economic activity associated with the breakneck speed of economic growth is placing a huge strain on the earth and its natural resources.
India-Sri Lanka bilateral trade has increased by over 65% last year, close to U.S. $5 billion, Indian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Ashok K. Kantha, has said.
Track2Realty Roundtable-III Venue—India Habitat Centre Moderator—Ravi Sinha, CEO & Managing…
Over the last few years, the number of HNI investors and corporates who are seriously looking at investing into Indian office space has increased manifold. Mumbai continues to hold its own as India’s numero uno office space investment destination, with companies from all over the world unerringly zeroing in on the financial capital.
Ravi Sinha: You mean to suggest the land acquisition bill has not really been deliberated upon and came as a knee jerk reaction?
No wonder, the healthcare sector is being adopted by the developers across the country. Property analysts are of the opinion that proximity to a hospital in an area also impacts the price of real estate and many developers use it as USP to market their projects.
The retail real estate market received a fresh mall supply of approximately 1.94 million sq. ft. (msf) in Q1 2012 (quarter ending March 2012). Many of the expected mall projects were differed on account of delay in construction, leading to a deficit of close to 50% from the estimated supply (3.37 msf) for the quarter, says Cushman & Wakefield in its latest report.
Ravi Sinha: I welcome all the panelists in this roundtable discussion. We are organizing the brain storming session for our inaugural yearly Handbook Focus 2012. This is the second of the series after the 1st discussion in Mumbai on “Funding Gap in Real Estate.”