Browsing: Real estate regulator


Bihar RERA sets precedent with arrest warrant against builders

In a landmark judgment with far reaching consequences, Bihar RERA has issues arrest warrant against three builders. This could easily be termed as a historic judgment of RERA. Why so? It is because the eco system of the complex business of Indian real estate has been such that builders continue to take RERA for granted. For the large universe of erring builders, RERA stands out as another window of litigation that only helps them to prolong the buyers legal fight without any accountability, forget about fear of the regulation called RERA.

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Is RERA a rating agency?

Is RERA a rating agency? Does real estate regulation & promotion all about promotion, especially when RERA has not been a success story to regulate arguably India’s most dirty business. The question arises because in a couple of States the RERA had earlier announced to rate & grade the developers with much fanfare. It is a different matter that Track2Realty had questioned it since beginning as to whether RERA has stood up to the cause for which it was enacted. Whether SEBI or IRDA rates the companies which it monitors as the regulators?

Consumer Connect RERA 7 Years, RERA, RERA India, Real Estate Regulator, Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Real Estate Regulation Act, RERA Advantages, RERA Benefits, RERA Failures, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Best Real Estate Website, Best Property Portal, Real Estate Journalists

7 years of RERA; 7 unaddressed questions

It was conceptualised to clean the opaque ecosystem of Indian real estate; was touted to be the biggest reform of the sector; and expected to enhance the home buyers’ confidence index. But seven long years after the enactment of the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA), it has still not evolved as a stamp of trust for the harassed home buyers. RERA’s tryst with trial & error has not only dented the confidence of the home buyers but also lent credence to the perception that complaint with RERA rather gives an edge to the builders. After all, RERA has been relegated to be the balancing act for both the builder and the buyer. A Track2Realty analysis.

Consumer Connect Legal Hammer, Judicial Review, Real estate regulator, Regulation in property market, Builders cheating, real estate fraud in India, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

RERA realities & homebuyers’ concerns

Industry is nevertheless clear that such apprehensions are just teething problems. Jaxay Shah, President, CREDAI maintains that even though most states have not been able to implement it immediately and are in the process of doing so, yet both consumers and developers need to look at it optimistically. There will be teething problems initially, but as the regulatory mechanism sets in place, we will see a smoother transition into the new administration.

Consumer Connect Legal Hammer, Judicial Review, Real estate regulator, Regulation in property market, Builders cheating, real estate fraud in India, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Immediate whiff of change with RERA

The expectation of an overnight change is because the Act is a result of years of expectations on part of the buyers. The developers, on their part, are also changing their business strategy overnight to play it safe with the new regulatory regime.