Browsing: Real estate media


Labelling honest journalism as anti-builder

It’s not that I don’t stand with the builders where the support is due on principled ground. I can easily recall how in the year 2017 I had to stand by a builder who was being harassed by the powerful CEO of a powerful development body. The bureaucrat had demanded one apartment, and denial led to bulldozing over the project boundary walls much after grant of OC & CC. As a journalist, I was with the builder for a sting operation and also sent him to a couple of TV news channels to air his grievances. The officer’s troll army had a field day against me, but I stood my ground till the bureaucrat was transferred. Will an anti-builder journalist do that?

Headlines Corrupt Journalist, Corrupt Media, Real Estate Media, Property Media, Real Estate Journalist, Property Journalist, Corruption in Media, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property News, Real Estate Journalist, Property Journalist, Best Property Portal, Best Real Estate Website

Is real estate media corrupt or directionless?

Some of the English dailies had come up with marvellous marketing idea, as they called it then, of barter deals which they thought was a win-win for both the media houses as well as the builders. They got into a barter deal where builder got crores of advertising space with the publication without a single rupee exchanging hands. In such deals, the media houses instead of advertising revenue got that much exchange value of property in the upcoming projects of these builders. Property supplements were launched by the mainline newspapers that violated all ethics of journalism to glorify the builders and their projects. Such was the clout of these builders that they even interfered in the editorial policies of these newspapers. They felt empowered & free to label the news copy and the journalists as negative, if they didn’t like a news item. 

Column Let's Talk Real With Track2Realty, Diary of a Real Estate Journalist, Real Estate Journalism, Real Estate Media, Media after Coronavirus, Property News

Media must question its purpose in coronavirus hit real estate

For the media business also, the time has come to close this purpose gap — the distance between an organization’s stated aims and its lived behaviour. The longstanding view that the sole purpose of the media is to be the medium of information dissemination and thus maximize shareholder (read advertisers) value would quickly give way to a more balanced way of thinking. There is cut throat and hardly any differentiation in the content and message of an end number of media outlets today. Fortunately, that is our biggest strength with Track2Realty, whether it is in creating differentiation or minimising the purpose gap.

Analysis Newsroom, Diary ofd a Real Estate Journalist, Ravi Sinha, Real Estate Positive News, Real Estate Negative News, Property News Positive, Negative Property News

Certified guarantee of positive coverage is not journalism

I have taken up the challenging practice of evaluating the performance of the real estate companies through rating the respective brands. I often hear two very different voices about my professional existence within the sector. A group of developers, though minority community, not only take the learnings out of the rating & ranking but also endorse that the sector needs someone like me for the larger interests of the business.

Column Ravi Sinha, CEO & Managing Editor Track2Media Research Pvt Ltd, Track2Realty, Investment Magnet Report, Indian best housing projects, NRI investment in Indian property, Indian real estate market, Indian property market, Indian real estate news, Indian property magazines

Diary of a real estate journalist

It was 9 AM in the morning and the repeat ring of call bell forced me to wake up. It is not easy for a journalist to leave bed so early after the occupational hazards of late night assignments. I opened the door with visible anger on my face, only to find a smiling PR guy whose smile actually made me even more angry.