Provident Housing secures INR 1,150 crores investment from HDFC Capital
Provident Housing, a wholly owned subsidiary of Puravankara Limited has made a…
Provident Housing, a wholly owned subsidiary of Puravankara Limited has made a…
MORE till date has invested capital in the real estate sector through three real estate funds and PMS/ Prop investments. Today, cumulative AUM under MORE stands at more than INR 2,100 crore spread across IREF (INR 200 crore), IREF II (INR 500 crore), IREF III (INR 1030 crore) and balance under PMS / Prop Investments.
News Point: Global hospitality major enters Indian market for serviced…
Call it contrasting match of the two extreme ends or just the confusing mate living together, but affordable luxury has gained ground in Indian realty, finds Track2Realty.
Track2Realty Exclusive: Is there any co-relation between luxury properties, High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs) and Akshay Tirtiya? Prime facie, it may seem to be very innocuous question but for those who are tracking the property market of Mumbai find not only a co-relation among the three, but also find the three working in tandem can ignite the property market as well.