Browsing: FDI

Company News SARE Homes Ghaziabad, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Indian realty a long term bet if lessons learnt-I

Track2Realty Exclusive-Yearly Analysis: To say that Indian real estate is standing on a shaky foundation would be like stating the obvious. Pressure is increasingly building on Indian developers. High mortgage rates and the slowest economic growth in nearly a decade are taking a toll on demand. Costs are rising, too. The Price of steel and concrete has jumped to double digit. The pipeline of cash has already dried up.

Industry Movement Brotin Banerjee, MD & CEO at Tata Housing, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Tata Housing steps in Gujarat

Track2Realty: Tata Housing has announced a non-binding MoU of Rs. 3500 crore with the Government of Gujarat at the Vibrant Gujarat Summit in Gandhinagar, yesterday. This agreement represents Tata Housing’s persistent efforts to create sustainable affordable townships and has been planned for the suburbs of Ahmedabad.

Analysis Harmit Chawla, HCorp Realty, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Realty must be realistic with its causes and concerns

Track2Realty Exclusive: Call it being overt critical on the realty business or my sense of introspection, I maintain that the biggest drawbacks in the sector is we are not sure what precisely we want from the government, nor is there any clarity as to how this will help the sector; whether our demands are feasible from ethical, financial or legislative point of view.

Headlines New Year, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Track2Media, Track2Realty

2013 holds promise of getting out of vicious circle

Track2Realty Exclusive-Yearly Analysis: The biggest question for the realty sector today is whether 2013 will help them get out of the vicious circle, which came disguised as the pipeline visibility over the years. Many believe everyone is getting ready with own respective strategy and the year ahead holds promise. Some of the leading companies are already selling their land bank at discounted prices to turn the tide.

Finance India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Caught between distress sale and debt trap-V

Track2Realty Exclusive-Yearly Analysis: Indian banks lending to real estate sector grew by 10.4% in the fiscal year ended March 2010 to Rs.5.8 trillion, contributing nearly 17% of their loan book, according to RBI data. Since then it has nosedived and now the government also wants public sector banks to focus more on home loans and to streamline lending norms to the real estate sector.

Headlines New Year, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Realty looks ahead of desperate times-II

Track2Realty Exclusive-Yearly Analysis:During the boom, many developers dreamt of transforming the urban landscape with millions of square feet of homes, offices and malls and set off on an aggressive expansion financed with debt that at 6 per cent interest was cheap by Indian standards. When the going was good, they went overboard with over ambitious big-ticket projects in various cities, many of which still remain stalled.

Editorial Anshuman magazine, CB Richard Ellis, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Revival is a strong statement in today’s market: Anshuman Magazine

Track2Realty Exclusive: Most of the real estate analysts believe the year 2012 has been pretty disappointing and actually a waste. Anshuman Magazine, CMD of CB Richard Ellis (South Asia), however, feels it was better than expected. He asserts when the global economy is down and the Indian GDP continuously nose diving, any movement is a positive indicator. In an Exclusive Interview with Track2Realty Magazine talks about the learning of the year and sounds cautious with the prospects of the year ahead.

Column Manpreet Singh Chadha - Joint Managing Director - Wave Inc, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Time to think beyond traditional format in integrated townships

Track2Realty Exclusive: We all dream of living in a house of our own and often enough put in our lifelong savings investing in a home that has the best of both comfort and location. However, it can be a nightmare if your house is in a locality that requires a lot of effort in getting access to even the things of daily use or makes commuting to your workplace an ordeal. Even the posh areas of a metropolitan city are not free from this problem where you might have to walk quite a distance to get to the supermarket, travel from one corner of the city to other to reach malls and multiplexes, start early for workplace or drive for long to access a hospital in emergency.

Finance India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Caught between distress sale and debt trap-I

Track2Realty Exclusive-Yearly Analysis: Indian real estate companies are reeling under the burden of debt, so much so that the excess cash that they had borrowed has become a liability that they want to get rid of but are unable to relieve themselves due to various factors beyond their control. They are nonetheless trying all possible measures, from selling land bank to restructuring their portfolio. Track2Realty tries to assess the seriousness of the situation where many of the realtors are caught between the distress sale and the debt trap.

Column Brotin Banerjee, MD & CEO at Tata Housing, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Integrated Townships are a win-win future for all

Track2Realty Exclusive: The future of integrated townships is fraught with hurdles, yet it is the only win-win housing solution in the horizon. It is one of the primal human desires to own a home at a nice, peaceful locality with most immediate necessities in the vicinity. Till only recently the fulfillment of this desire came at a heavy price, leading people to often settle for less. These days, this has become affordable, thanks to the concept of integrated townships.

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