Browsing: CREDAI

Advocacy CREDAI, India Realty News, India Property news, Real Estate India, Track2Media, Track2Realty, Track2Infra, India real estate, property market

CREDAI asks builders not to pay bribe to officials

Track2Realty-Agencies: Ironic it may sound, but the developers are getting hurt by allegations of corruption in the realty sector. Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Association of India (CREDAI) has asked its about 10,000 members not to pay bribe to officials for getting project clearance.

Finance CREDAI, India Realty News, India Property news, Real Estate India, Track2Media, Track2Realty, Track2Infra, India real estate, property market

CREDAI’s Nashik realty expo to be held in December

Track2Realty-Agencies: With an aim to showcase properties across Nashik under one umbrella and provide buyers the opportunity to purchase real estate in Nashik the Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Association of India (CREDAI) has organised a mega realty expo called ‘Shelter’ in the city from December 20-23.


CREDAI sets up realty institute, offers scholarships

Aiming to promote excellence and bring in global standards in real estate arena, developers body CREDAI has announced an institute for research & professional studies and educational scholarships for needy students pursuing higher education.

Headlines Track2Media, Track2Realty, ravi sinha, india realty news, india real estate news, real estate news india, realty news india, india property news, property news india, india news, property news, real estate news, India Property, credai, Pune training school, construction labourers training school

CREDAI presents blueprint for housing surplus

Pointing out that real estate development can revive the sagging economy, developers’ apex body CREDAI has called for launching a mission to make India Housing Surplus from the current status of a housing deficit nation by 2020.

Headlines CREDAI, India Realty News, India Property news, Real Estate India, Track2Media, Track2Realty, Track2Infra, India real estate, property market

CREDAI calls for reforms to check black money, still opposes regulator & realty bill

Being blamed for being a haven for black money cartel, realty players broke their silence and instead tried to put the blame on the government for not introducing the desired reforms in the sector. However, they did not spell out if reforms are prerequisite to check the cartel of black money in the sector, why are they opposing the realty bill and a regulator.

Headlines CREDAI, India Realty News, India Property news, Real Estate India, Track2Media, Track2Realty, Track2Infra, India real estate, property market

Will CREDAI, Fire Department MoU work?

The recent announcement of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Confederation of Real Estate Developers Association of India (CREDAI) and the Karnataka State Fire and Emergency Services (KSFES) Department on fire safety certification has raised quite a few eyebrows in the real estate industry.

Headlines CREDAI, India Realty News, India Property news, Real Estate India, Track2Media, Track2Realty, Track2Infra, India real estate, property market

CREDAI ‘SOS’ to PM on realty woes

Launching its multi-pronged strategy to focus attention on the real estate industry’s unending series of problems, CREDAI (Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Associations of India) has decided to send an ‘SOS’ to the Prime Minister and planned for a nationwide developers strike to sensitize the policy makers.

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