Search Results: urban infrastructure (462)

Commercial CBD Office, CBD, PBD, Commercial Property Returns, Real Estate ROI, Real Estate Returns, Retail Spaces, Office Spaces

ROI with commercial spaces of CBDs changing

Should businesses continue to operate out of old jaded buildings at the heart of the city? Is it more convenient for the commercial activities to move to the upscale swanky offices on the periphery locations where the cost of doing business per square feet is much lesser? Is ‘Walk to Work’ only a city center reality across the urban pockets? These are the subjects of serious discussions across the built environment of commercial real estate world over, finds Track2Realty.

Consumer Connect Independence Day, India at 75, Freedom From FSI, FSI, FAR, FSI & Density Norms, FSI Free Cities

Will freedom from FSI lead to affordable housing for all?

Freedom is a luxury and it means different things to different set of people. The stakeholders within the built environment of the Indian real estate too have their own set of definition when it comes to what defines their freedom. While for a home buyer, freedom is to have a rent-free house of one’s own at an affordable price, for the developers the quest has been freedom from multiple bottlenecks – single window clearance, industry status, easy funding and, most importantly, FSI free developments. Track2Realty investigates whether ‘Freedom From FSI’ would be boon or bane. 

Advocacy Union Budget 2022-23, Budget & Real Estate, Budget & Property Market, Budget & Home Buyers, Budget Wish List, Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman

Union Budget 2022 lacked fresh ideas; “U Turn” by realty players

Tracking the sentiment is not that easy in the business of Indian real estate. There is no ideal predictive model that could assess the sentiments of both the developers as well as the buyers. The leading voices of the sector has never been very consistent with their budget wish list and the post budget customary note. The most important stakeholders, the home buyers, are more often than not completely ignored when it comes to sentiment assessment post the Union Budget.

Consumer Connect Wish List Fingers Crossed, What Home Buyers Want, What Home Buyers Need, Home Buyers' Wants & Needs, Home Buyers' Grievances, Housing Market After Corona, Post Corona Home Buyers

Home buyers’ wants & needs in housing after Coronavirus

The real estate industry stakeholders are debating over the design changes and other functional changes in the housing projects after Coronavirus. An impression is gaining ground that the developers have the realization that the world has changed due to pandemic and they need to alter to fit into the buyers’ needs. An online poll by Track2Realty nevertheless finds that the industry is off the mark when it comes to read the pulse of the buyers. The buyers are not looking for knee jerk design changes but housing to have long term functional changes.      

Headlines Real Estate in 2021, Real Estate in Tier II & III Cities, Property Market in Covid Times, Price Crash After Covid, Work From Home, Holiday Homes After Corona

Will Covid-hit 2021 lead real estate into Tier II cities?

The cost of doing business per square feet has always been challenging in the top 10 cities of India. The ever increasing migration for jobs in these cities have made the housing affordability even bigger challenge. Critics are not cynical when they question as to what extent and till when these cities will continue to be filled up like a soda bottle. Aren’t our metro cities on the verge of a population blast? Come 2021 and Track2Realty analysis believes the infamous Coronavirus in a strange way has shown the way forward.

Commercial Logistics, Warehousing, Logistics Demand in India, Warehousing Demand in India, Logistics Supply in India, Warehousing Supply in India, Logistics Real Estate

Can logistics & warehousing be the turnaround catalyst of Indian real estate?

Much before the outbreak of pandemic Coronavirus, the Indian real estate sector battling with the consistent slowdown was looking up to the turnaround catalyst. While the success of REIT had given it a glimmer of hope, the fund managers had their eyes set on a segment that has the potential to not just spread across the country but give a piggy ride to other segments as well, most notably to the housing. Track2Realty finds the warehousing & logistics to emerge as the mainstream real estate in the last few years.

Headlines Real Estate Cost & Benefit Analysis

Will Covid learning goad the sector to right strategy?

There is no denying that the world has changed for the real estate in this part of the market. Of course, there are acceptances with degree varying, denials and even reluctance to adapt to the new normal. However, what can’t be argued is the fact that the market forces are clearly signaling the paradigm shift from the existing denial & resistance to change.

Finance Union Budget 2021-22

Not a future ready budget; real estate looks for silver lining

It was expected to be a future ready budget and the overtones in the power corridors were also self-congratulatory in advance. It finally turned out to be pretty ordinary budget for the real estate sector. The stakeholders are nevertheless looking for the silver lining here and there. The most critical stakeholder, the home buyer, is pretty disappointed with the Union Budget 2021-22.

Column Indian Flag, Independence Day Special, Indian Real Estate Post Independence, Housing For All, Real Estate Reforms, History of Indian Real Estate

72 years of independence – A bittersweet dawn for India’s housing sector

It was not the magic wand it was hoped to be. However, over the past two years, the Real Estate Regulatory Act (RERA) has brought more sanity – and the return of consumer power – than seemed possible in such a short time. The real estate sector is still struggling with it and the Act is very much work-in-progress in many states, but RERA nevertheless hangs like a sword of Damocles over a previously unregulated industry. Eventual compliance across the board seems inevitable.

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