Search Results: urban housing (585)

Network XRBIA Singa Pune, Rahul Nahar, Mark Mahan, Singapore Architecture, Global Themes in Indian Housing

Xrbia launches ‘Singa-Pune’ in Dhanori

Based on the concept of contemporary design led by Singaporean architecture, ‘Singa – Pune’ is a 21 acre township located at Dhanori, Pune with over 1000 apartments in phase 1. With internationally designed landscape across the project and 51 world-class amenities, the project will truly transcend the engineering and aesthetics of Singapore architecture to the city of Pune. The apartments are priced starting at 13L for Studio Apartments, 22L for 1 BHKs and 30L for 2 BHKs. The project will be completed in three phases and will progress across a span of 60 months.

Column JC Sharma, Sobha Limited, Union Budget 2019-20, Budget Wish List of Real Estate, Budget Demands of Real Estate, Real Estate & Budget

Budget augurs well for Indian real estate

The last few years have witnessed increasing focus on the affordable housing segment.It remains a key segment for the Government towards its mission of ‘housing for all’.  To provide further impetus to affordable housing segment, the Government has sanctioned over 81 lakh homes under PMAY Urban scheme with an investment of about 4.83 lakh crore. 

Finance Union Budget 2019-20. Budget of Modi 2.0, Real Estate Budget Expectations, Budget Wish List of Indian Real Estate, Real Estate & Budget

Real estate expectations from Modi 2.0 first budget

Without compromising on fiscal prudence, the Finance Ministry will have to present a budget that is not only inclusive but also assures growth across industries. It clearly shoulders a considerable share of responsibility for retaining India’s position as the fastest-growing economy.

Analysis ROI, ROI of Property, Return on Investment, ROI of Commercial Property, ROI of Residential Property, Investment Potential of Property, Growth Potential of Property, Property Valuations

Is Indian real estate still a profitable investment asset class?

Let’s get straight into this question, which has been a concern among all stakeholders – financial planners, property owners, investors and prospective buyers – over the last few years. And only because real estate, particularly residential, did not yield the same returns as it did during its Golden Era of the early 2000s.

Headlines Senior Housing, Senior Living in India, Investment in Senior Housing, Ashiana Housing, ASLI, Association of Senior Living India, India Real Estate news, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Investment in Property

Elders in Senior Living communities report higher satisfaction: ASLI

Seniors who are staying in Delhi NCR are much more prone to society caused anxieties and family feuds, which eventually reflects on their health and cause behavior pattern leading to more depression and blue moods. In such circumstances often stress leads to health degradation causing lack of energy, poor concentration, and less sleep.

Consumer Connect Noida Extension Property, Greater Noida West Property, Properties in Noida Extension, New Launches in Greater Noida West, Investment in Greater Noida West, Builder Buyer Conflict, Buyers Protest in Noida Extension, Project Delays in Noida Extension, Affordable Market of Delhi NCR, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Investment in Property

Noida Extension classic case of killing a micro market

By the late evening the area bears a deserted look. Local youths with no source of livelihood are on prowl to pounce over what in their understanding is elite class living in apartments. And this so-called elite class is dawn to dusk EMI serving class, helpless to save the little bit of luxury showered on the family with hard earned money.  

Market Rating Chennai City, Chennai Real Estate, Chennai Property Market, Chennai New Launches, Investment in Chennai, Chennai Global Competitiveness, Chennai Global Rank, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Investment in Property

Chennai among global dynamic city

Is there something in the very DNA of the city that makes every global forecast refer Chennai as the future city on the global map? Analysts believe Chennai is not only the capital city of Tamil Nadu but is also the largest industrial and commercial centre in South India. The Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) is the flagship Urban Local Body in the Chennai Metropolitan Area (CMA). The Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) is the oldest municipal Institution in India.

Column Elections & Real Estate, Real estate in election year, Elections & Property Market, Elections Impact Over Real Estate, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Investment in Property

5 years of Modi – is Indian real estate ‘house’ in order?

This policy ‘trishul’ brought about a paradigm shift in the way Indian real estate does business and laid the groundwork for improved transparency and efficiency in the sector. However, while end-user and investor confidence were rekindled for real estate, it did not exactly set the industry on fire with renewed interest.

Reports Women Home Buyer, Single Woman Home Buyer, Women home buyer demands, Women in housing market, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Investment in property, Women and home buying, Women brokers in property

More women to defer marriage for property

The survey clearly suggests marriage is as much a choice for women as mortgage, and marriage is definitely not predestination of home ownership. Even among the married couples the role of the women is changing and they are increasingly getting on the driver’s seat when buying a house. 

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