Search Results: real estate market (2791)

Headlines Two generations, Clash of generations, Second generation builder, Second generation property developer, Young property developer, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Invest in property, Realty Plus, Track2Realty, Realty Fact, Realty NXT, Realty Myths,, Construction World, Housing news,, PropEquity, Liases Foras, Prop Tiger

Generation change in Noida real estate

Whether it is the clash of two generations or natural progression where the generation next has taken the business forward to the next level, the tale of two generations has always been a subject of interest in the business community.

Brand Rating Track2Realty BrandXReport 2017-18, Brand X Report, Brand rating of Indian real estate, Brand performance of Indian real estate developers, Best builders in India, Best brands of Indian real estate, Brand Trust of Indian real estate, Bangalore developers top brand leadership, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Investment in Indian property, Track2Realty, Realty Fact, Realty Plus, Realty Myths, Realty Nxt

Professional compliances defining brand leadership of real estate

What has been an interesting finding during this fiscal year is the fact that a number of relatively smaller developers but with impeccable track record of delivery and consumer satisfaction are breaking the myth that it is the sheer volume and premium that elevates a company at the Brand Leadership Chart.

Consumer Connect Best Practices, Indian real estate news, Indian property market news, Track2Realty, Transparency in Indian real estate

Desirable best practices in Indian real estate

The Indian real estate market has always been notorious for its lack of transparency, and the changes in recent times has been less than desirable. As India aspires to get clean money into the sector, the foreign funds too have high standards in terms of service quality and clarity.

Consumer Connect Market Depth, Stock Market, Due Diligence in real estate, Defining demand in real estate, Research in property market, Data analytics in real estate, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Investment in property market, Track2Realty

Why real estate companies don’t get listed?

Till a decade back such was the mad rush for raising money in the capital market that even the real estate companies with limited presence in select micro markets started launching projects across the country to showcase a pan-India presence. Significant increase in housing demand, organized retailing and liquidity boom from 2003 to 2008, led to huge increase in land prices and real estate values and most real estate companies had a great run.

Company News Track2Realty, Track2Media, India Real Estate, Valuations of Real Estate, Realty News, Property News,

Motilal Oswal Real Estate aims to raise 1,500 crore realty fund

MORE till date has invested capital in the real estate sector through three real estate funds and PMS/ Prop investments. Today, cumulative AUM under MORE stands at more than INR 2,100 crore spread across IREF (INR 200 crore), IREF II (INR 500 crore), IREF III (INR 1030 crore) and balance under PMS / Prop Investments.

Consumer Connect Women in Indian real estate, Women professionals in Indian realty, Women giving facelift to Indian real estate, Women brand power to Indian property market, Women real estate agents, women developers in India, India real estate news, Indian property market, NRI investment, Track2Realty

Future of professionalism in Indian real estate

When the market sentiments were bullish and foreign investors were testing the Indian realty market, many of the relatively not-so-polished developers started hiring these white collared professionals to negotiate with their global counterparts in a language that they understood. Problem started when this skilled workforce started colouring the vision of the promoter and hence driving the management decisions.

Consumer Connect Young Professionals, Business Team, Young Entrepreneurs, Expat Professionals, India real estate news, Indian realty news, India property market, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Professionalism a casualty in Indian real estate

Functional Professionalism can be broadly defined as the strict adherence to courtesy, honesty, transparency and responsibility when dealing with individuals or other companies in the business environment. This trait often includes a high level of excellence going above and beyond basic requirements.

Market Rating Ambegaon in Pune, Ambegaon second homes, Ambegaon holiday homes, Top holiday home destinations in India, Top holiday home destinations in Pune, Second home destinations in Pune, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Investment in holiday homes, Realty Plus, Track2Realty

Ambegaon in Pune attractive market for all

Ambegaon taluka falls to the foothill of Sahyadri Mountain range which is towards the west side of Pune city. This taluka gets divided into two parts- north and south because of the Pune Nasik Highway which passes through this area.

Market Rating Western Suburbs of Mumbai, Mumbai property market, Property in western suburbs of Mumbai, Indian real estate market, India property market, Indian realty news, India real estate news portal, Indian real estate website, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty, NRI investment in Indian property

Mumbai Western Suburbs rental defy market slowdown

A closer look in and around the area nevertheless convinced her that she had not been asked to pay unreasonable money by this landlord. As a matter of fact, many other properties closer to her office in Andheri demanded even higher rental; even closer to what could be seen as demanding a rental yield that is not an Indian reality.

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