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Headlines Review of 2019, Real Estate in 2019, Property Market in 2019, Real Estate Forecast in 2020, Property Market Forecast in 2020, Indian Real Estate Analysis

Is Indian real estate ready to learn the lessons of 2019?

Beyond inventory statistics, and the customary positive outlook for the year ahead, 2019 has yet again underlined the need to read the pulse of the market dispassionately to learn why the tide has been going against. The lessons are equally true for both the builders and the buyers. Unfortunately, the sector does not seem to learn the lessons yet again. The testimony of the developers’ defiance is their guarded optimism for the year ahead, while dismissing the 2019 as yet another challenging year that has gone by.

Consumer Connect Stressed Home Buyer. Sulking Home Buyer, Builder Buyer Conflict, Housing Delays in India, Unsold Housing Inventory, Ready to Move Property in Demand, Under Construction Property

How can home buyers trust real estate again?

The Indian housing market is a vicious cycle of broken promises, trust deficit, sulking participants and non-delivery. Statistics only tell you half the story. For the developers, market trackers and the government agencies it is all about numbers – how many units have not been delivered. What these raw statistics don’t tell you that there is a sordid saga of drying emotions of one family with each housing unit. Probably the stakeholders are least bothered about the plight of an average middle class home buyer who has exhausted his lifetime savings, taken up home loan and now reeling under the burden of both the EMI and the rent.

Market Rating Kashmir Property, Real Estate in Kashmir, Property Prices in Kashmir, Article 370 Abolished, Property Prices After 370 Abolition

Are you serious about Kashmir real estate Mr builder?

I am today seriously wondering whether all the celebrating and self-congratulating developers have indeed got “Exclusive” draft of the policy of land acquisition in Kashmir? Does it include construction facing Dal Lake of Srinagar that is Green Belt? Have they done their business calculations and cost & benefit analysis over there? There are more questions than what the builders could answer at this point of time. But what could be vouchsafed is the fact that all these euphoric overtones are premature. None of the industry voices from the matured sectors with more potential to pull off in the State have displayed this kind of immaturity.

Finance Union Budget 2019-20. Budget of Modi 2.0, Real Estate Budget Expectations, Budget Wish List of Indian Real Estate, Real Estate & Budget

Real estate expectations from Modi 2.0 first budget

Without compromising on fiscal prudence, the Finance Ministry will have to present a budget that is not only inclusive but also assures growth across industries. It clearly shoulders a considerable share of responsibility for retaining India’s position as the fastest-growing economy.

Analysis ROI, ROI of Property, Return on Investment, ROI of Commercial Property, ROI of Residential Property, Investment Potential of Property, Growth Potential of Property, Property Valuations

Is Indian real estate still a profitable investment asset class?

Let’s get straight into this question, which has been a concern among all stakeholders – financial planners, property owners, investors and prospective buyers – over the last few years. And only because real estate, particularly residential, did not yield the same returns as it did during its Golden Era of the early 2000s.

Editorial Small Towns, Potential of Tier II & III Cities, Investment in Tier II Cities, Real Estate in Tier II Cities, Growth of Small Towns, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Investment in Property

Tier 2 & 3 cities the new draws for over 25% real estate investors

Lack of affordability in the larger cities is the primary hurdle to the largest investor base, and property investors are now looking at smaller towns and cities. However, their increasing bullishness on Tier 2 & 3 cities as against their tier 1 counterparts is not just on account of their relatively more affordable property prices, but also because of their better growth prospects. 

Analysis NRIs, Non Resident Indians, NRIs Property Investment, NRIs property search, NRIs Legal Checklist, NRIs Investment in Property, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News

NRI investors zero in on Indian real estate revival signals

According to a World Bank report, India received USD 79 billion in remittances in 2018 – with a sizeable portion going into real estate. NRI investments into Indian real estate are led Indian expatriates from UAE, USA, UK, and Canada. In terms of Indian cities, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai and Delhi-NCR currently attract the lion’s share of NRI investments. 

Others General Elections 2019, Elections & Real Estate, Modi Government & Real Estate, Real Estate in Modi Government, Modi Government Policies for Housing, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Investment in Property

General Elections – The real estate connection

During any impending general elections, real estate stakeholders conjecture exhaustively about the likely impact on the real estate market. Conventionally, the period between the announcement of the election date till the final result day is a period marked by caution and hesitancy in the overall real estate market.

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