Search Results: inflation (305)

Reports Home buyer confidence, Home buyer survey, Home buyer sentiment survey, Real estate sentiment survey, Property market survey, Consumer confidence in real estate, Home buyers sentiment survey, Property market survey, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Property market news India, Track2Realty

Consumer confidence in real estate hits 10-year low

The low consumer confidence has been linked as much to peoples’ lack of confidence in their own ability to pay as with the employment uncertainties. Collectively, the buyers’ risk aversion in today’s economy as well as the developers’ unfair business practices have eclipsed real estate like never before.

Headlines 2018, Yearly review, New year in real estate, Yearly review of Indian real estate, Pains & gains of 2018, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Investment in property, ANAROCK Property Consultants, Anuj Puri, Track2Realty

The highs and lows of Indian real estate in 2018

Year 2018 was a veritable roller-coaster ride for the Indian real estate. Despite signs of recovery across segments, the liquidity crunch – further exacerbated by the NBFC crisis – put all industry stakeholders on tenterhooks.

Consumer Connect Homebuyer, Home Finance, Indian property market, Indian housing reforms, Property market regulations, Real estate understanding, Real Estate tips, Real estate guide, Track2Media Research Pvt Ltd, Track2Realty, Homebuyers Knowledge, NRI Investors, NRI investment pattern

Dilemma of right time to buy house

Reports of price correction, more often than not, seem to conceal more than it reveal on the pulse of the property barometer. The answer as to whether this is the right time to buy is not a simple yes or no, but it depends on a number of factors like whether a buyer is looking for first or second house, for living or investment, if investment then it is for the long run or short run etc.

Finance Track2Realty, Track2Media, India Real Estate, Valuations of Real Estate, Realty News, Property News,

Property the real asset class

Real estate is the best bet against an inflation hedge as it is the only asset that loses little value in periods of rising prices. Thus, it holds its value and purchasing power even during inflation. Normally inflation has a co-relation with the booming economy and an investor also buys this asset to hedge against inflation.

Market Rating Noida, Noida Skyline, Noida Property market, Noida real estate, Rental value of Noida property, India real estate news, India property market, Track2Realty, Track2Media, Noida news

Why Noida commands lowest rental in India?

Welcome to Noida reality! Contrary to the dynamics of property market where lesser transactions lead to skyrocketing of rental values, in Noida this conventional wisdom of market does not hold true. Noida, as a matter of fact, is a classic case in contrast where the supply is huge, transactions are less and the rental values are the lowest. Reason: imbalance of demand & supply in the same catchment area.

Beyond Headlines NRI, Non Resident Indian, Indian Diaspora, NRI investment in property, Property market for NRIs, India real estate news, Indian property market, Track2Realty, Track2Media, Indian Diaspora investment, NRI property management, NRI property management services, NRI due diligence

Mumbai property on top of NRI’s wish list

The major demographic profile of the NRIs is from the states of Gujarat, Kerala, Punjab and other parts of North and South India. Going by what the traditional investment pattern of the Indians, the cities that should draw the maximum NRI investment should be Kochi, Ahmedabad and Chandigarh. But then it is the Mumbai city that has over the years commanded the maximum premium from the NRIs.

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