Search Results: inflation (305)

Headlines Unsold Housing, Ravi Sinha, Demand Supply Mismatch, Housing Crisis, Puravankara, Abhishek Kapoor, Axis Ecorp, Aditya Kushwaha

Unsold ready to move inventory poses greatest threat to realty

Isn’t it ironic that in a housing market like India where the predominant demand is for ready to move houses, this segment too has a record unsold inventory standing. As per the statistics, out of the total 7.85 lakh unsold inventory, nearly 20 per cent are ready to move. Mind you! We are only talking about the top 8 cities of India. A cumulative figure of pan-India unsold ready to move housi9ng inventory would look even more scary.

Headlines Real Estate 2023, Property Market 2023, Real Estate Prediction, Real Estate Forecast, Real Estate in 2023

An year of misplaced optimism ahead?

Ever since the beginning of the year 2023, the real estate industry stakeholders are going gaga with the narrative of a turnaround year. It is not that such misplaced optimism has not hurt their cause in the past, but the leading voices of the sector seem to believe that a false narrative would goad the home buyers to make a beeline at the sales office. The industry narrative is hence tilted towards what could easily be vouchsafed as misplaced optimism.

Finance Union Budget 2022-23, Union Budget, Budget Wish List, Real Estate Budget Wish List, Budget & Real Estate, Aditya Kushwaha, Axis Ecorp, Pradeep Agrawal, Signature Global, Amit Goenka, Nisus Finance

Sector parroting old demands; Union Budget expected to make political statement

The Union Budget this time would be the last full budget ahead of the General Elections due next year. The real estate sector is yet again parroting the old demands, with the only difference being that the concerns of the home buyers too finds a place in their wish list. The developers have come to realise that the home buyers can no longer be ignored as they are the most necessary in the real estate business cycle.

Reports Greenfield Projects, Whitefield Projects, Construction Cost, Project Cost Escalation

Greenfield construction cost rises 5-7%, labour cost up by 8-10% Y-o-Y in Q3 2022

The outlook for construction costs remains stable but cautious, as market volatility is likely to persist in 2023 along with monetary tightening, continued high inflation, a possibility of a recession in developed economies and geopolitical turmoil-related challenges going forward. Therefore, CBRE forecasts a marginal rise in the overall construction costs during 2023 across cities, with Mumbai likely to witness a sharper rise. 

Consumer Connect Festive Discounts

Is real estate growing beyond tried & tested festive discounts?

The Indian real estate has been known to dole out discounts & freebies every festive season to reap the auspicious spirit. It worked well for the sector for quite some time as the Indians are traditionally known to buy property during the festivals. However, the slowdown in the last five years made the marketing strategists look for alternative ways & means to bring the buyers back to the property market during the festive season. Track2Realty analyses the market trend.

Consumer Connect Booming Market, Real Estate Boom, Property Boom, Indian Real Estate News, Property Market News

Is the housing market really booming?

I meet a number of stakeholders across the built environment of Indian real estate. One common narrative that has gained ground within the built environment over the years is that “this is the best time to buy a house.” Mind you! This narrative was being pushed through the throat even before Covid. Even though the real estate market in general and the housing market in particular has been going through a turbulent phase, the narrative has never changed its course.

Consumer Connect Strategy Trap, Narrative Trap, Real Estate Narrative, Union Budget, Union Budget 2022-23, Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman

Has real estate fallen into its own “All is Well” trap?

A TV debate after the Union Budget 2022-23 caught one of the IPCs (Independent Property Consultant) off guard when the anchor categorically blamed him for real estate not getting its due with the budget. In his defence he could only argue that it is not about one specific report but all the industry reports are guilty of creating such a goodwill for the sector. The satisfactory voices were so profound that the policy makers too found the business capable of self-sustaining without any fiscal incentives.

Consumer Connect Real Estate 2022, Property Market 2022, Home Buyers 2022, Housing Market 2022, Real Estate Trends, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News

“What if” buzz word of home buyers in 2022

2022 won’t be an easy year for the average Indian home buyer in terms of making a conscious decision of buying a house. The fundamentals of the market and macroeconomic outlook indicates 2022 could be even more challenging than 2021 for more than one reason. The rising input cost of construction has put a serious question mark over the feasibility of the business in a price sensitive market. Many of the developers with thin profit margins are facing a catch-22 where the input cost hike is compelling for escalation but the demand side is not ready to absorb the hike.

Headlines Real Estate in 2022, 2021 Indian Real Estate, Property Market Yearly Forecast, Future of Indian Real Estate

2022 to be year of top realty brands at the cost of smaller developers

2021 was expected to be the year of recovery for the Indian real estate that weathered the black swan of Covid in the preceding year.  Throughout the year the developers put up a brave face and the industry data of the top listed developers was enough to keep the prophets of doomsday in silence. However, the closer look at the sector and the large universe of the developers raises more questions than what it could answer during the turbulent year. Track2Realty looks in to look ahead.

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