Search Results: industry survey (132)

Consumer Connect Wish List Fingers Crossed, What Home Buyers Want, What Home Buyers Need, Home Buyers' Wants & Needs, Home Buyers' Grievances, Housing Market After Corona, Post Corona Home Buyers

Home buyers’ wants & needs in housing after Coronavirus

The real estate industry stakeholders are debating over the design changes and other functional changes in the housing projects after Coronavirus. An impression is gaining ground that the developers have the realization that the world has changed due to pandemic and they need to alter to fit into the buyers’ needs. An online poll by Track2Realty nevertheless finds that the industry is off the mark when it comes to read the pulse of the buyers. The buyers are not looking for knee jerk design changes but housing to have long term functional changes.      

Reports Wellness & Housing, Housing & Wellness, Green Homes, Green Buildings, Housing & Mental Health

India an emerging market for wellness real estate

This raises a fundamental question as to whether wellness is possible only with the luxury housing or affordable housing too can incorporate it. Within the built environment of the Indian real estate it is generally accepted that wellness is an aspiration concept but it can be incorporated into affordable housing as well. This would require focusing on some of the key elements right from the planning stage. Some of the real estate companies with international exposure are now working towards cutting down their carbon footprint apart from focusing on the other aspects of wellness.

Reports Real Estate Investment, Property Investment, Real Estate Sentiment Index, Home Buyers' Sentiments, Track2Realty Survey, Real Estate ROI, Property ROI

Property 3rd option for Indians; consumer satisfaction pretty low

Until the lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter, says an African Proverb. Research report by various industry stakeholders try best to paint a rosy picture; force feed the collective consciousness that the real estate market is on its way to historic high in the year 2021. But the mood of the nation is juxtaposed to the orchestrated euphoria and Track2Realty Investment survey finds that the real estate has slipped as the 3rd choice for a vast majority of the Indians, with C-SAT Score (Consumer Satisfaction Score) all time low.

Headlines Land Records, Digitisation of Land Records, Clear Land Titles, Land Survey, Property Valuation

Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal and Odisha top digitisation of land records

Access to land is a critical factor for economic growth and poverty reduction.  For government, industry, and citizens to be able to use this asset effectively and to minimise disputes, it is important to have access to reliable land and property records. Digitizing these land records is critical for ensuring India’s economic growth, as accessible, high quality records not only helps increase the visibility and availability of land for large-scale investment opportunities, but at an individual level, also makes it possible for the public to transact land and use it for seeking credit in a dispute-free environment.

Headlines Real Estate 2021

Catalysts of real(ty) change in 2021

Ever since the lockdown was imposed in March 2020 with Coronavirus scare at its peak, it seems the built environment of the Indian real estate is experiencing the Placebo Effect. The Placebo Effect is when an improvement is observed, despite an individual receiving a placebo as opposed to active medical treatment. In medical fraternity, it is estimated that 1 in 3 people experience the placebo effect. It seems every stakeholder, barring the home buyers, is experiencing the Placebo Effect in the property market.  

Column Swapna More, Kagaay

Prop-tech scenario post covid as compared to pre- Covid

For generations, real estate leaders were cautious in changing their business models. But in recent years there has been a significant change. So far the numbers have been on the lower side, but Covid 19, has initiated companies to adopt digital solutions at an unprecedented pace. According to a survey, digitisation is taking precedence across the sector and more than 90 percent of the occupiers and developers are aiming to bring a technological shift in their business operations within the next five years.

Headlines Resilience, Real Estate Resilience, Real Estate in 2019, Real Estate in 2020, Real Estate Forecast, Real Estate Slowdown, Real Estate Revival

Remarkable resilience of Indian real estate in 2019

According to the World Bank, India ranks at 63rd among 190 countries, and the ranking is anticipated to improve further in the coming years backed by progressive government policies. Meanwhile, the real estate sector has shown remarkable resilience despite the bearish phase of the economy. Below is a lowdown of how the real estate story unfolded in 2019:

Reports Office Space in India, Office Space Absorption, RICS Report on Office Space, Colliers Report on Office Space, Trends in Office Space, Designs of Office Space

Average annual office space gross absorption pegged at 50 million sq ft between 2019-2023: RICS – Colliers Research

Colliers International foresees robust demand from GICs, with leasing by GICs across six major cities in India to be in the range of 32.5 million sq ft between 2019 and 2021. Over 2014-2018, occupiers leased about 53.0 million sq ft of office space in multi-tenanted buildings for their GICs. Bengaluru led the demand with about 20.1 million sq ft, followed by Delhi NCR and Hyderabad. Further, we found that companies from the engineering, energy and manufacturing sectors favoured Bengaluru, which accounted for 32% of GIC demand between 2014-2018.

Reports PE Investment in Real Estate, Private Equity Money in Indian Real Estate, Investment in Property Market, NRI Investment in Real Estate, Foreign Funds in Indian Real Estate, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News

PE inflows into Indian real estate have surpassed USD53 billion since 2008: Colliers

Investors are scouting for investment-ready assets in core office locations in Mumbai, Delhi-NCR, Bengaluru and Hyderabad, which together accounted for about 77% of the total leasing in 2018. We foresee higher investor interest for Greenfield projects in southern cities, especially Bengaluru and Hyderabad, which are witnessing pent-up demand in key office corridors.

Reports Real estate job, real estate career, Property sector employment, Indian real estate employment, Career with real estate, Developer as employer, India real estate news, Indian real estate newsmagazine, India property market, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Quality talent not attracted to real estate

Young qualified professionals either do not opt for the sector, and even when they do so, they find it hard to continue in a business where the eco system is all about probability and uncertainty; forget about the lack of work culture. And hence, in most of the corporate offices of the developers it is easy to find old and grey-haired people than the vibrancy of the young work force.

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