Search Results: industry survey (132)


Questions that will define Indian real estate in 2025

The outlook of the Indian real estate on the eve of 2025 could confuse any neutral analyst. But for the insider analysts who are actually stakeholder-cum-expert, it is like another new year with hopes and promises galore. The stakeholders are so upbeat that all the industry reports are projecting a bullish upcycle to continue for the next few years, thus taking Indian real estate to a valuation of $10 trillion by 2047. Track2Realty finds that the ground reality for a commo0n man looking for a house in his affordable budget stands in contrast.

Beyond Headlines Defining Demand, Defining Real Estate Demand, Defining Housing Demand, Due Diligence in Real Estate, Demand Assessment in Real Estate, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Best Property News Portal, Best Real Estate News Website, Real Estate Journalist

Why can’t home buyers define demand for the real estate projects?

At a time when there is a mad rush to launch new projects in & around the airports across the cities of India, a developer in Bengaluru opted to go in the diametrically opposite direction. Prima facie, what appeared to be a case of finding a better or affordable land parcel in that given location of South-West Bengaluru had a strategy that very few adopt in the business of Indian real estate. The strategy to define demand through scientific research. The demand in the market was assessed with consumer psychograph study – what consumers want; what they need; where are the gaps; and how a new housing project could fill in that gap.

Reports Green Living, India Sustainability Report, India Climate Change, India's Public Infrastructure, Climate Change Vulnerability, CBRE Survey on Sustainability, CII Survey on Sustainability, Risk Management Parameters, Anshuman Magazine, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Realty News, Indian Property Market News, Best Property Portal, Best Real Estate Website, Real Estate Journalists

Nearly 50% of India’s public infrastructure vulnerable to climate change and urbanization: CBRE

The conference uncovered unique perspectives on how Smart Facilities Management can play a crucial role in anticipating and preventing equipment failures, reducing downtime, and optimizing resource allocation in real estate assets by adopting the latest technologies and innovations including, IoT sensors, AI-driven analytics, and machine learning algorithms, to enhance the overall performance of their real estate assets. Furthermore, better risk management practices can contribute to the longevity of assets. Regular inspections, maintenance, and upgrades can help identify and address potential vulnerabilities, reducing the likelihood of damage and ensuring the continued functionality of critical public infrastructure.


Real estate has toxic positivity problem worldwide

A recent report claims current sentiment index score of Indian real estate is 72. I wonder how! Who is going to believe this? Definitely not the home buyers at the receiving end of the builders with delay, default, unmet promises and what not. But this is not an isolated instance of one-odd such report. As a matter of fact, most of the reports by the brokerage firms (in the guise of consulting firms) and other industry stakeholders would like the home buyers to believe that if you don’t buy property now, you would be left behind. This unnecessarily creates a FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) in the minds of the gullible buyers. 

Analysis Brand Equity, Brand Rating of Indian Real Estate, Brand Ranking of Indian Real Estate, Best brands of Indian Real Estate, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Best Real Estate Website, Best Property Portal, Real Estate Journalists

Brand equity of Indian real estate a market-linked evolution

With its localized nature of business, along with the fact that historically there had been information asymmetry, Indian real estate for quite some time lacked focus on brand goodwill. Size of the real estate companies for long was seen as synonymous with big brands. With the emergence of India as one of the five key global real estate markets post the introduction of FDI in 2005, with US, UK, China and Middle East being other four geographies, the focus shifted to brand building for the first time. Track2Realty analyses how brand equity has historically been a market-linked evolution.

Consumer Connect

Mothers’ quest for social security catalyst to property buying

Mother’s Day & property market! The topic has been debated the world over and it has mostly revolved around whether a house could be a perfect Mother’s Day gift. Or else whether one should buy a house near mother’s place. However, mother as a factor in the property world is not just confined to a limited scope of her being a recipient or just an emotional comforting factor. In fact, she has always been an influencer and with economic independence is fast emerging as a catalyst to property buying. On this Mother’s Day Track2Realty explores as to how much the mom factor is “the factor” in the property market. 

Reports Gender Equality, Women in Real Estate, Women in Realty, International Women's Day, Cheryl Waliya, K Raheja Corp, Amanda Puravankara

By when will real estate be gender neutral?

To say that women workforce in the Indian real estate has broken the proverbial glass ceiling would be stating the obvious. Far from being perceived as a decorative value at the reception only, the women have now stormed into critical areas, from sales to consumer grievances and corporate communication to legal. Many of them have even been into the decision making and the work culture in many of the Grade A real estate companies appear to be gender neutral.

Consumer Connect Home Buyers Trapped, Supertech, Supertech Twin Towers, Supertech Demolition, RK Arora, Mohit Arora, Noida Real Estate Market, Indian Property Market, India Real Estate News

Supertech or no Supertech – housing market a systematic trap for buyers

News reports of real estate nowadays is making me religious. The reports about Supertech Twin Tower demolition is giving me “SPIRITUAL” feeling. If these media reports are to be believed, henceforth all the government officials will be careful in sanctioning the building plans, builders will be fearful with the law and the judiciary will be trusted as more pro-active than reactive. Isn’t it a proverbial “Ram Rajya” for the home buyers?

Reports Women Realtors, Women in Real Estate, Women & Real Estate, Women & Property Market, Women Property Agents, Women Property Brokers, Women Property Trends, Women Property Survey

Issues beyond perception behind gender inequality in real estate

Gender equality, or rather lack of it, in the business of real estate is a reality that no one would deny. Real estate by all means is a man’s world in this part of the world. Barring a few exceptions, where the wives or daughters of the developer have been given spotlight, a typical real estate enterprise doesn’t have a sizeable presence of women workforce. A Track2Realty Pan-India Survey.

Commercial Commercial Real Estate, Commercial Property, Office Spaces, Retail Spaces, Future of Commercial Property, Future of Office Spaces, Future of Retail Spaces, Commercial Real Estate After Covid

Will commercial spaces reinvent to remain relevant?

Across the world the commercial real estate, most notably the retail and office spaces, have been hit the most due to Covid-induced new normal. It is hence being debated as to whether commercial real estate would be able to reinvent itself to remain relevant in the post-Covid world where the Work From Home and online shopping threatens to eat up the market share of till-recently lucrative business models of retail and office space. Track2Realty explores the need for innovation.

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