Search Results: india (4027)

Brand Rating Hawelia Valenova Park, Hawelia Valencia Homes, Hawelia Group, Nikhil Hawelia, Ask Hawelia, Save From Hawelia, Greater Noida West Property, Noida Extension Property, Builder Fruad in Noida Extension

How to dodge poor consumer feedback? Ask Hawelia

It is pertinent to note here that there has been nothing posted on Hawelia Facebook page that could be defined as “Defamatory” by the Indian Penal Code (IPC). It seems builder does not believe in the IPC and wants to continue his fiefdom with HPC (Hawelia Penal Code). As per the law of the land, any comment/feedback/grievance could only be termed as defamation if it can’t be substantiated with the fact. Truth stands as biggest defence against the defamation. The chain mail between the builder and the home buyers of Hawelia Valenova Park could establish the fact that the buyers are not happy with the builder and the builder failed to even come forward to address the concerns.  

Editorial Amit Modi, ABA Corp, County Group, Cherry County, Cleo County, County 107, Indian Real Estate Foreclosure, Property Foreclosure, Housing Loan Defaults, Coronavirus Impact on Property, Covid19 Affecting Real Estate

Escalation fears misplaced, input materials might be cheaper: Amit Modi, Director, ABA Corp

Lockdown is not a new reality for the developers across India, and more particularly in the Delhi NCR region. The NGT construction ban, often for months together, has hampered the execution cycle of the business. However, the comprehensive lockdown due to Coronavirus could multiply the woes of the business with supply chain hurdles leading to cost escalation, labour migration and the job losses in the market leading to standstill sales and even foreclosures. However, Amit Modi, Director of ABA Corp who is also a known face of CREDAI in this part of world thinks otherwise. In an exclusive video conferencing with Ravi Sinha, he feels some of the input costs might come down to clear the material inventory in a competitive market.  

Column Let's Talk Real With Track2Realty, Diary of a Real Estate Journalist, Real Estate Journalism, Real Estate Media, Media after Coronavirus, Property News

Media must question its purpose in coronavirus hit real estate

For the media business also, the time has come to close this purpose gap — the distance between an organization’s stated aims and its lived behaviour. The longstanding view that the sole purpose of the media is to be the medium of information dissemination and thus maximize shareholder (read advertisers) value would quickly give way to a more balanced way of thinking. There is cut throat and hardly any differentiation in the content and message of an end number of media outlets today. Fortunately, that is our biggest strength with Track2Realty, whether it is in creating differentiation or minimising the purpose gap.

Column Diary of a Real Estate Journalist, Honest Journalist, Most Hated Journalist, Ravi Sinha, Real Estate PR, Media and Property Market

Grow up beyond #BoycottRaviSinha PR Folks

But wait! I suppose the recent Ravi Sinha Uncensored has only added fuel to the fire that you all had in you for a number of years now. I do understand that a journalist like Ravi Sinha bruises your ego and inferiority complex of not being treated with respect. I suppose you are being sandwiched at both the ends – on the one hand a nasty journalist like me showing you the mirror and at the same time you get bulldozed by the unreasonable client demands. Isn’t it?

Headlines Coronavirus, Corona, Covid19, Corona Impact on Real Estate, Property Market After Corona, Housing Sale After Corona, Office Absorption After Corona

COVID-19 to reduce housing sales by 25-35%, office absorption to fall 13-30%

The affordable housing segment, which gained significant traction over the last few years, may also take a hit by COVID-19. The outbreak will significantly affect affordable housing’s target audience. With limited income and unemployment fears, buyers of affordable housing may defer purchase decisions, leading to an estimated 1-2% rise in unsold stock within this segment in 2020.

Column Ravi Sinha- Diary of a Real Estate Journalist, Home Buyers' Activism, Home Buyers' Fight with Builders, Builder Buyer Conflict, Housing Delays, Housing Defaults, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property market News, Investment in Property

Corona is not publicity tourism Mr Builder

It is in this backdrop that in a typical “Ravi Sinha Uncensored” tone I told a PR girl who called me for one such Press Release by one of the largest developers of Mumbai, “Listen! As a matter of principle I am not carrying any story on food distribution to construction workers. But wait! Please give my feedback to your client, “He or any other builder is not doing any charity; not worth beating its own trumpet. This is a national calamity and you are morally bound to do so. Such Press Releases only make you look really petty. You can weave this info into some other story once the dust settles and everything is normal. But glorifying humanitarian gesture at this point of time is at best Corona Tourism for Publicity which is highly deplorable.” 

Company News Hawelia Group, Hawelia Valenova Park, Hawelia Valencia Homes, Arihant Arden, Coronavirus and Real Estate, Real Estate and Covid19, Coronavirus Impact on Property, Hawelia Humanity

Hawelia fails with supply of essentials in Corona lockdown

It is pertinent to note here that the builder has serious tussle with many of the home buyers at both his projects. Many a times the home buyers have been overtly refused the services with point blank justification that the Hawelia Facility Management is not obliged to entertain those who are unsatisfied buyers. However, in today’s pandemic it is not just unprofessional & unethical but also inhuman to not facilitate supply of day-to-day commodities when the builder’s commercial shops are not operational. Interestingly, Hawelia’s CSR initiative is called as Hawelia Humanity.

Column Advocate Aditya Pratap, Bombay High Court, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Investment in real estate, Realty Plus, Track2Realty, Realty Fact, Litigations in real estate, Land titles in real estate, Dgitisation in real estate, Consumer complaints in real estate

Compliances for real estate PE under section 42 of The Companies Act, 2013

Private Equity funds, domestic and multi-national, have become major players in the Indian real estate market, investing tens of thousands of crores. While Blackstone and Brookfield have hitherto been largest foreign investors in Indian real estate, a gamut of Japanese Private Equity giants are also making waves. Heavyweight Japanese Corporations such as Mitsui Fudson, Mitsubishi Corporation, Sumitomo Corporation and Genkai Capital too have made big-ticket investments in Indian metro cities.

Headlines Coronavirus, Covid19, Corona Impact on Real Estate, Property Slump with Corona, Corona Force Majeure

Will Corona lead to Force Majeure in real estate?

The habitual project delaying and absurd justifications of the builders in calling everything as Force Majeure has got another alibi – Corona. It has sparked a fresh debate within the built environment of the Indian real estate as to whether the Corona pandemic could be treated as Force Majeure in the sector. 

Brand Rating Hawelia Group, Hawelia Valenova Park, Greater Noida West, Noida Extension, Worst Project of Noida Extension, Buyers Protest in Valenova Park

Hawelia coercing home buyers at Valenova Park

The said project, Hawelia Valenova Park, that was launched in 2013 at Tech Zone IV of Noida Extension is yet to be worth habitation, even after seven years. The builder, on his part, claims otherwise, even though the GNIDA (Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority) has only given it a conditional TOC (Temporary Occupancy Certificate).

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