Search Results: india (4028)

Column Indian Flag, Independence Day Special, Indian Real Estate Post Independence, Housing For All, Real Estate Reforms, History of Indian Real Estate

72 years of independence – A bittersweet dawn for India’s housing sector

It was not the magic wand it was hoped to be. However, over the past two years, the Real Estate Regulatory Act (RERA) has brought more sanity – and the return of consumer power – than seemed possible in such a short time. The real estate sector is still struggling with it and the Act is very much work-in-progress in many states, but RERA nevertheless hangs like a sword of Damocles over a previously unregulated industry. Eventual compliance across the board seems inevitable.

Column JC Sharma, Sobha Limited, Union Budget 2019-20, Budget Wish List of Real Estate, Budget Demands of Real Estate, Real Estate & Budget

Budget augurs well for Indian real estate

The last few years have witnessed increasing focus on the affordable housing segment.It remains a key segment for the Government towards its mission of ‘housing for all’.  To provide further impetus to affordable housing segment, the Government has sanctioned over 81 lakh homes under PMAY Urban scheme with an investment of about 4.83 lakh crore. 

Analysis ROI, ROI of Property, Return on Investment, ROI of Commercial Property, ROI of Residential Property, Investment Potential of Property, Growth Potential of Property, Property Valuations

Is Indian real estate still a profitable investment asset class?

Let’s get straight into this question, which has been a concern among all stakeholders – financial planners, property owners, investors and prospective buyers – over the last few years. And only because real estate, particularly residential, did not yield the same returns as it did during its Golden Era of the early 2000s.

Policy NRI Home Buyer, NRIs House Search, NRIs Real Estate Investment, NRIs Property Investment, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Investment in Property

Checklist for NRIs seeking home loans in India

While there is no cap on the number of properties for which an NRI can take home loans for, repayment capacity must always be factored in. Over-leveraging is never a good idea and regardless of what viewpoint a bank takes, NRIs must do their own repayment capacity calculations.

Reports Home Finance, Housing Finance Companies, NBFC Crisis, Funding Gap in Real Estate, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Investment in Property

Housing Finance continues to face multiple headwinds: India Ratings & Research

Multiple Challenges for HFCs Still in Play: The housing finance sector has been facing challenges, which have led to a contraction in spreads, a rise in funding cost and an increased spotlight on their asset-liability mismatches. Such mismatches have resulted in constrained financing from both market-based sources (CPs and NCDs) and banks for many players. 

Analysis Private Equity, PE Investments, Funding Gap in Indian Real state, Real Estate Funding, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News

Entity-level PE inflows in Indian realty up 17% in last 2 years

Entity-level investment is an efficient strategy to get a firmer foothold in the real estate market. It allows a private equity investment firm to not only deploy its capital but also gain synergetic skills in the real estate marketplace. PE firms invariably look for high levels of corporate governance in a real estate development company before deciding to invest in it at an entity level.

Analysis NRIs, Non Resident Indians, NRIs Property Investment, NRIs property search, NRIs Legal Checklist, NRIs Investment in Property, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News

NRI investors zero in on Indian real estate revival signals

According to a World Bank report, India received USD 79 billion in remittances in 2018 – with a sizeable portion going into real estate. NRI investments into Indian real estate are led Indian expatriates from UAE, USA, UK, and Canada. In terms of Indian cities, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai and Delhi-NCR currently attract the lion’s share of NRI investments. 

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