Search Results: Real estate (4035)

Consumer Connect Bear Market, Bull Market, Real Estate Price Trends, Property Price Trends, Real Estate Versus Stocks, Real Estate Price Index, Property Price Index, Aditya Kushwaha, Axis Corps, Puravankara Limited, Abhishek Kapoor

Is a Bear Market possible in real estate?

Stock market is generally defined as the “Bull market versus ‘Bear Market’. In real estate, the expression has generally been all about ‘Bullish Market’, ‘Upbeat market’, ‘Wait & Watch Market’, and ‘Pessimist Market’. ‘Bear Market’ as a term has generally not been used in the context of the housing market. Track2Realty questions why? Is it because a ‘Bear Market’ is just not possible in real estate? Or is it because real estate as an asset class has an altogether different means of cost & benefit analysis.

Reports Gender Equality, Women in Real Estate, Women in Realty, International Women's Day, Cheryl Waliya, K Raheja Corp, Amanda Puravankara

By when will real estate be gender neutral?

To say that women workforce in the Indian real estate has broken the proverbial glass ceiling would be stating the obvious. Far from being perceived as a decorative value at the reception only, the women have now stormed into critical areas, from sales to consumer grievances and corporate communication to legal. Many of them have even been into the decision making and the work culture in many of the Grade A real estate companies appear to be gender neutral.

Finance Realty Stocks, Real Estate Stocks, Real Estate Shares, Nifty Realty, Sensex Realty, Nifty Realty Index

Intrinsic value of a real estate stock subject to interpretation

There is no denying that the real estate stocks have always been high in demand for investors. After all, in a housing deficient country like India it has to constantly grow. Isn’t it? However, what is often intriguing is that some of the real estate stocks have much higher price point, compared to the industry peers with similar fundamentals, including the EPS and PE ratio. This raises a fundamental question as to what determines the price of the real estate stocks.

Finance Union Budget 2023-24, Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, Budget & Real Estate, Budget for Home Buyers, Budget Wish List

Union Budget 2023-24 disappoints real estate

The Union Budget 2023-24 has offered more intangible benefits than tangible gains for the real estate sector. It is hence no surprise that while the average home buyers got busy in their tax calculations immediately after the Finance Minister’s budget speech, the industry stakeholders have by and large given a thumbs up to the budget. A Track2Realty report.

Consumer Connect Festive Discounts

Is real estate growing beyond tried & tested festive discounts?

The Indian real estate has been known to dole out discounts & freebies every festive season to reap the auspicious spirit. It worked well for the sector for quite some time as the Indians are traditionally known to buy property during the festivals. However, the slowdown in the last five years made the marketing strategists look for alternative ways & means to bring the buyers back to the property market during the festive season. Track2Realty analyses the market trend.

Consumer Connect Blockchain, Real Estate Blockchain, Property Blockchain, Digital Property Registration, Real Estate Technology, Blockchain Property Data

Is blockchain the future of real estate transactions?

Maharashtra has started property e-registrations and the State is reportedly all set to also introduce blockchain. What is Blockchain? It is a technology by which users can keep a historic ledger of every transaction that has happened in the past for any asset be it a crypto currency or a piece of real estate like land or building. Track2realty analyses whether blockchain would be the future of real estate transactions.

Commercial Demand Drivers of Commercial Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate, Commercial Property Market, Retail Spaces, Office Spaces, Commercial Property Investments

Emerging demand drivers of commercial real estate

Real estate in general and its future growth in particular is defined by its demand drivers. It is relatively easier to forecast the demand drivers in the residential sector. Reason being that the economic activities indicate the migration of the workforce and hence inherent need for housing. However, to forecast the emerging economic activity, both sector wise and region wise, is more often than not guesstimate, finds Track2Realty.

Reports Women Realtors, Women in Real Estate, Women & Real Estate, Women & Property Market, Women Property Agents, Women Property Brokers, Women Property Trends, Women Property Survey

Issues beyond perception behind gender inequality in real estate

Gender equality, or rather lack of it, in the business of real estate is a reality that no one would deny. Real estate by all means is a man’s world in this part of the world. Barring a few exceptions, where the wives or daughters of the developer have been given spotlight, a typical real estate enterprise doesn’t have a sizeable presence of women workforce. A Track2Realty Pan-India Survey.

Consumer Connect Strategy Trap, Narrative Trap, Real Estate Narrative, Union Budget, Union Budget 2022-23, Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman

Has real estate fallen into its own “All is Well” trap?

A TV debate after the Union Budget 2022-23 caught one of the IPCs (Independent Property Consultant) off guard when the anchor categorically blamed him for real estate not getting its due with the budget. In his defence he could only argue that it is not about one specific report but all the industry reports are guilty of creating such a goodwill for the sector. The satisfactory voices were so profound that the policy makers too found the business capable of self-sustaining without any fiscal incentives.

Policy Union Budget 2022-23, Budget & Real Estate, Budget & Property Market, Budget & Housing, Budget & Home Buyers, Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman

Union Budget 2022-23: Unanswered questions for real estate

The Union Budget 2022-23 lacked any fresh ideas as far as the real estate in general and the housing market in particular is concerned. Most of the announcements are more or less the extension of the old schemes and roadmaps. The euphoria of the industry stakeholders ahead of the budget turned into a deafening silence in the next few hours of budget speech.

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