Home buyers’ satisfaction index at all time low: Track2Realty survey
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Track2Realty Investment Magnet Report 2015 picks up 100 best housing…
The pan-India survey by Track2Realty finds that that close to two-third, as many as 58 per cent of the real estate professionals admit to suffer some form of depression or general anxiety disorder due to demanding schedules, high stress levels and lack of performance-linked rewards.
Despite of the high work pressure, unprofessional work culture & depressing environment, it has been the fat pay packet that was a magnet for the professionals to join real estate. However, the slowdown has exposed the professionals to a new reality check where job cuts are across the board, career growth is stagnant and it is increasingly getting depressive for the professionals to continue with a job in the sector.
In an opaque real estate market where house hunt has been a travail and challenging for most of the Indians, Track2Realty takes up the challenge of finding not one but 100 most promising housing projects in the country. From Bangalore to Chennai, Mumbai to Ahmedabad, and Gurgaon to Kasauli; it has been a worm’s-eye view of thousands of housing projects to find 100 best that could stand out as the investment magnet in this first-of-its-kind study.