Search Results: Kochi (137)

Editorial Small Towns, Potential of Tier II & III Cities, Investment in Tier II Cities, Real Estate in Tier II Cities, Growth of Small Towns, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Investment in Property

Tier 2 & 3 cities the new draws for over 25% real estate investors

Lack of affordability in the larger cities is the primary hurdle to the largest investor base, and property investors are now looking at smaller towns and cities. However, their increasing bullishness on Tier 2 & 3 cities as against their tier 1 counterparts is not just on account of their relatively more affordable property prices, but also because of their better growth prospects. 

Reports Home buyer confidence, Home buyer survey, Home buyer sentiment survey, Real estate sentiment survey, Property market survey, Consumer confidence in real estate, Home buyers sentiment survey, Property market survey, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Property market news India, Track2Realty

Consumer confidence in real estate hits 10-year low

The low consumer confidence has been linked as much to peoples’ lack of confidence in their own ability to pay as with the employment uncertainties. Collectively, the buyers’ risk aversion in today’s economy as well as the developers’ unfair business practices have eclipsed real estate like never before.

Headlines Market Disruption, Market Innovation, Market Experiment, Disruptive marketing, Innovative marketing, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Investment in property, Track2Realty

Disruptive innovation next brand differentiation?

Call it market disruption or the innovative disruption or just new marketing strategy but it seems this is the next big idea at a time when the market conditions are really challenging to get noticed. What really is disruptive innovation?

Reports Homebuyer cheated, Public Reporter, Journalist as homebuyer, Experience of homebuyer, Homebuyers' confessions, Media outlook on real estate, Experience of reporter as homebuyer, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Investment in real estate, Property investment, Realty Plus, Realty Fact, Housing News, Track2Realty

Reforms hurt than helped homebuyers?

It is not just the ambiguity around the RERA that makes the Indians feel there is no hope for them. Most of the reform measures have not touched upon the average Indian homebuyers, claim close to three fourth of the buyers, as many as 72%.

Consumer Connect Jaypee Homebuyers Protest, Jaypee homebuyers, Options for Jaypee homebuyers, Legal remedies for Jaypee homebuyers, Homebuyers victim of Jaypee, Delhi NCR property market fraud, India real estate news, Real estate news India, Indian property market, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Homebuyers’ awareness not limited to one-time purchase

Track2Realty Public Perception Survey, however, proves these assumptions wrong. More than half of Indians, as many as 54%, track the real estate news, analysis and launches even after they have purchase their house. Even more in number, 58%, monitor real estate sector and developers’ performance along with reputation for future investment purposes.

Brand Rating Track2Realty BrandXReport 2017-18, Brand X Report, Brand rating of Indian real estate, Brand performance of Indian real estate developers, Best builders in India, Best brands of Indian real estate, Brand Trust of Indian real estate, Bangalore developers top brand leadership, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Investment in Indian property, Track2Realty, Realty Fact, Realty Plus, Realty Myths, Realty Nxt

Professional compliances defining brand leadership of real estate

What has been an interesting finding during this fiscal year is the fact that a number of relatively smaller developers but with impeccable track record of delivery and consumer satisfaction are breaking the myth that it is the sheer volume and premium that elevates a company at the Brand Leadership Chart.

Case Studies Senior Housing in India, Elderly Living, Homes for senior citizens, Real estate news India, India property market, Track2Realty

Affordability, location accessibility, safety and security will drive the need for senior housing in India

As Asian countries address the new realities of ageing crisis and increasing life expectancy, senior living is now becoming a next bet for investors. According to recently released Colliers Research report on Senior Housing Outlook 2018, countries such as Japan have grappled with an ageing population for some time, others are just beginning to realise that they will need to act quickly in order to address ageing-related issues.

Reports Jaypee Homebuyers Protest, Jaypee homebuyers, Options for Jaypee homebuyers, Legal remedies for Jaypee homebuyers, Homebuyers victim of Jaypee, Delhi NCR property market fraud, India real estate news, Real estate news India, Indian property market, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Homebuyers question reform claims

This may not be music to the ears of the developers who are hoping against the hope that the recent policy changes & reforms would bring the homebuyers back to the market. But the ground reality is that for a vast majority of the Indian homebuyers the measures like demonetization, GST, RERA or Benami Transaction Act are more for academic discussions than making any tangible changes for them on ground.

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