Search Results: Indian real estate (2736)


Labour shortage a perennial problem of Indian real estate

Ram Kirpal is a construction worker in Noida. However, this daily wage earner is not a regular employee or even contractual worker with any real estate company or contractor. He goes back to his native place, Purnea in Bihar, on each harvest season and agriculture continues to be his main occupation. He works on construction sites in Noida only when there is no agricultural work back home. He is part of the bigger problem that the Indian real estate faces – labour shortage! A Track2Realty report.

Consumer Connect

It may not be crashlanding but all’s not well for Indian real estate in 2024

At the beginning of 2024, as the Indian real estate stakeholders (self-styled industry experts within the realty media landscape) are yet again influence peddling their bullish narrative, the reality check by Track2Realty clearly finds that the sales growth post-Covid has neither been broad based nor democratic. Real estate is yet again emerging as a parking lot of big money post the pandemic, as visible with the off-take of luxury & super luxury despite the stagnant job growth and wage growth.

Company News Evergrande, China Real Estate, Shenzhen Property Market, Global Real Estate Brands, Funding in Real Estate, Debt in Real Estate

Evergrande and the unlearnt lessons of Indian real estate

Within the built environment of the Indian real estate there is still denial about too many parallels between the Indian and the Chinese real estate. Many even believe that the Indian economy is not that real estate dependent as the Chinese economy. Even when admitting the crisis in Indian real estate, it is diplomatically wrapped in the developer’s justification of not learning any lessons on part of the Indian developers.

Headlines China Evergrande Group, China Real Estate, Investment in China Property, Real Estate Defaults, Debt Liability of Real Estate

China’s Evergande both a learning & potential disruption for Indian real estate?

It is the story of a debt ridden real estate company that is financially overleveraged; gone beyond execution capabilities; has multi-city penetration; is into multiple businesses; and the promoters are just delaying the inevitable. The developer that you instantly recall is China’s Evergrande. It’s the talk of the town across the built environment of global real estate today. But wait! Has India not been witness to its own Evergrande moment (though on a smaller scale) in the past? Track2Realty speaks to cross section of industry analysts.

Headlines Housing Recovery, Indian Real Estate Revival, Indian Real Estate Survival, Indian Real Estate After Covid, Covid Impact on Real Estate

Indian real estate recovery timelines & catalysts not uniform

Across the built environment of the Indian real estate the two question that are on everyone’s lips is about the recovery timelines and segment to recover first. Track2Realty finds this uncertainty about the possible recovery, or rather the lack of it, has also kept the fence sitting home buyers on the edge.

Commercial Logistics, Warehousing, Logistics Demand in India, Warehousing Demand in India, Logistics Supply in India, Warehousing Supply in India, Logistics Real Estate

Can logistics & warehousing be the turnaround catalyst of Indian real estate?

Much before the outbreak of pandemic Coronavirus, the Indian real estate sector battling with the consistent slowdown was looking up to the turnaround catalyst. While the success of REIT had given it a glimmer of hope, the fund managers had their eyes set on a segment that has the potential to not just spread across the country but give a piggy ride to other segments as well, most notably to the housing. Track2Realty finds the warehousing & logistics to emerge as the mainstream real estate in the last few years.

Finance K Shape Recovery, Real Estate Recovery, Real Estate Recovery After Covid, Real Estate Post Covid

Indian real estate heading to K-Shape recovery

The economists and the real estate analysts are unanimous over the inevitability of the real estate recovery in India. What is nevertheless being debated is when will the sector revive to its normal course of business. What is even more important is to assess what would be the shape of the recovery. In classical economic definition, three of the commonly used recovery shapes are V, U & L shapes. V-Shaped is a strong recovery after the debacle, U-Shaped is a slower and long-drawn recovery, while an L-Shaped aftermath is where the previous peak is not recovered.

Headlines Positives of 2020

Silver lining of 2020 for Indian real estate

Beyond the pessimism & optimism and, to some extent, more than expected recovery post the Covid-19 lockdown, the fact remains that 2020 has been by and large the most unforgettable year for the economy in general and the real estate market in particular. The old timers in the business even maintain that this has been even worse year than the global economic collapse after the Lehman crisis in 2008.

Brand Rating Track2Realty BrandXReport 2019-20, Best Brand of Indian Real Estate, Indian Real Estate Brand Rating, Top Brands in Property Market, Godrej Properties, Sobha Limited

Godrej Properties the new brand leader of Indian real estate

It is not just the fiscal performance or the stock market resilience that have elevated Godrej Properties to the coveted brand leadership across India. The performance has been remarkable and ever improving on various scale leading to better consumer experience and consumer connect. In a gloomy market of uncertainty, Godrej Properties looks most promising to meet the delivery commitments as well. Last, but not the least, while most of the corporate entities found it altogether challenging turf in the business of real estate, Godrej appears to be a natural real estate brand beyond its market presence in other businesses.  

Headlines Resilience, Real Estate Resilience, Real Estate in 2019, Real Estate in 2020, Real Estate Forecast, Real Estate Slowdown, Real Estate Revival

Remarkable resilience of Indian real estate in 2019

According to the World Bank, India ranks at 63rd among 190 countries, and the ranking is anticipated to improve further in the coming years backed by progressive government policies. Meanwhile, the real estate sector has shown remarkable resilience despite the bearish phase of the economy. Below is a lowdown of how the real estate story unfolded in 2019:

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