Search Results: Indian real estate (2736)

Industry Movement Harleen Oberoi, IPC, International property consultants, Independent property consultants, Colliers International India, Professionals in property market, Professionalism in real estate, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Track2Realty

Harleen Oberoi joins Colliers International

Harleen has over 28 years of experience in projects, and the construction industry in India and overseas. Harleen joins Colliers International from Brookfield Global Integrated Solutions, where he held the position of Executive Director & Country Head, however a major part of his experience has been with Cushman & Wakefield (C&W), as the Managing Director, Project Management for India.

Finance Union Budget, Budget and real estate, Property market and budget, Budget disappoints real estate, budget disappoints home buyers, Budget pains & gains, Real estate expectations with budget, Builders hope on budget, Finance Minister fails real estate, Budget and affordable housing, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Track2Realty

Populist budget but not for builders or buyers

It seems the Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has failed to address the struggling and ailing real estate sector from the standpoint of both the homebuyers as well as the developers. However, what is all the more interesting is the fact that the developers are not overtly complaining. It is only the homebuyers who are sulking while the developers are trying best to put up a brave face.

Finance Union Budget, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Election budget disappointing for homebuyers

The hopes of middle class homebuyers have dashed and they blame the Finance Minister for presenting an election-oriented budget. Many even question the direction of the government where the focus has suddenly shifted towards the rural and farm sector in the last full budget presented by this government.

Market Rating Mumbai Eastern Freeway, Mumbai traffic, Mumbai infrastructure, housing projects near Eastern Freeway Mumbai, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Mumbai property news, Eastern Freeway accidents

Freedom of traffic at Eastern Freeway in Mumbai

Life changed for him in the last 3-4 years with the Eastern Freeway. Now he travels to same office in 40-45 minutes. The new route via Eastern Freeway to Carnac Bridge and then Nariman Point is what he never visualized as a reality earlier.

Headlines india realty news, india real estate news, real estate news india, realty news india, india property news, property news india, india news, property news, real estate news, India Property

Legal limits & liability of homebuyers’ associations

The homebuyers’ acting as de facto consumer courts raises a fundamental question as to whether any of these buyers’ associations have any legal right to intervene suo motto and address the grievances of the buyers. The legal opinion is pretty clear on this.

Consumer Connect Noida Sector 137 Protest, Protest by Noida Sector 137 residents, Dump yard in Noida Sector 137, NGT, National Green Tribunal, Homebuyers' protest in Noida Sector 137, Dump yard in Noida Sector 137, India real estate news, Indian property market news, Real estate news India, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Should you trust homebuyers’ associations?

The real estate markets across the major cities is today witness to a new spate of consumer activism which is more political in its functioning than consumer centric. Worse even, many of them even operate as the de facto consumer courts in advising others in how they should take on the builders.

Company News Rental House, Rental housing in India, Rental housing policy, Failure of rental housing, Tenancy rights, Rental laws in India, India real estate news, Indian property market, Track2Realty

ZiffyHomes raises INR 2 crore as seed funding

ZiffyHomes, a Gurgaon-based home rental marketplace has raised seed funding of INR 2 crore from Individual investors. The round was led by Bikky Khosla, Angel Investor and CEO at and Anirudh Agarwal, Managing Director at Shree Sharda Group. The duo will also join ZiffyHomes as Board Members to mentor the team for fast growth.

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