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Policy Property Cancellation, Unfair Contract, Booking Cancellation Limit, Godrej Properties, Godrej The Summit, Supreme Court Judgment Against Godrej Properties, Godrej Home Buyers, Godrej Buyers' Protest, Godrej Properties Review, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property News, Best Property News, Best Real Estate News, Real Estate Journalist, Property Journalist
Supreme Court caps property cancellation penalty to 10% of base price

In a landmark judgment the Supreme Court has said that the builders can now only deduct up to 10% of the base price for cancellations. A bench of Justice B R Gavai and S V N Bhatt said that the contractual terms which are one-sided, unfair and unreasonable can not be enforced and would constitute unfair trade practice. Unfortunately, the judgment has not been delivered against any small-time builder, but the corporate conglomerate Godrej Properties, which argued that it should be allowed to forfeit 20% of the amount as per agreement with the buyer. Track2Realty finds there are even larger questions that remained unanswered about builders’ arbitrary cancellations, forfeit of money and unfair contract.

Bihar RERA sets precedent with arrest warrant against builders

In a landmark judgment with far reaching consequences, Bihar RERA has issues arrest warrant against three builders. This could easily be termed as a historic judgment of RERA. Why so? It is because the eco system of the complex business of Indian real estate has been such that builders continue to take RERA for granted. For the large universe of erring builders, RERA stands out as another window of litigation that only helps them to prolong the buyers legal fight without any accountability, forget about fear of the regulation called RERA.

Policy Union Budget 2025, Budet and Real Estate, Real Estate Budget Wish List, Real Estate Budget Demands, Real Estate Budget Reactions, India Real Estate news, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Real Estate Journalists, Property Journalists
Has real estate sector got its due with Union Budget 2025-26?

More than 200 press releases in my mailbox; and all are glorifying the Union Budget 2025-26. This raises more questions than addressing any of the concerns of the Indian real estate. Has real estate sector finally got its due with the Union Budget 2025-26? Why are the stakeholders so upbeat with the Union Budget that has by and large ignored the wish list of the sector? Aren’t these industry voices taking “U-Turn” in pre & post budget overtones?

Union Budget 2025 aimed at headline management & garnering likes

The Union Budget 2025, ahead of a few significant Assembly Elections, quite obviously aimed at headline management & garnering likes. And to a large extent the Finance Minister & Modi Government succeeded in this, since the most vocal middle class of India finally got something to cheer about. However, the larger issue is whether the Personal Income Tax exemption level up to an income of INR 12 lakh going to change the household realities of the shrinking middle class of India. More importantly, will it lead to consumption and asset creation, and that too of a high value asset like real estate.

Advocacy Real Estate Influencer, Real Estate Influencer India, Property Influencer, Property Influencer India, Fake Property Influencer, Fake Real Estate Influencer, Social Media Influencer, YouTube Influencer, Influencer, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate news India, Indian Property market News, Best property Portal, Best Real Estate News Website, Real Estate Journalist, Property Journalist
Is there any regulatory framework for property YouTube influencers?

The news of SEBI crackdown on YouTuber Ravindra Balu Bharti for illegal investment advisory services has come as a reality check for many influencers. These influencers are offering unregistered and more often than not paid investment advice by the vested parties. But financial influencers or Finfluencers, as they say, are not the only influence peddlers that need to be checked. The property influencers, or Propinfluencers, are even greater threat. After all, one invests in stock market with surplus money where amount is much lesser than one’s investment in property that is life’s costliest purchase and mostly with borrowed money. Ravi Sinha questions why there is no regulatory framework for property influencers.

Policy Misleading Real Estate Ads, Misleading Property Ads, ASCI, Advertising Standards Council of India, Property Frauds, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property News, Best Property Portal, Best Real Estate News Website, Real Estate Journalist, Property Journalist, Exploitative Property Ads
Why ASCI red flags misleading ads with real estate?

Real estate advertisements are most exploitative, says  ASCI. In its “Half-Yearly Complaints Report 2024-25”, the self-regulatory body ASCI (Advertising Standards Council of India) said that of all the 3031 ads investigated, around 34% were from the real estate sector alone.  It was followed by 29% ads from illegal betting and 8% from the healthcare sector. Track2Realty is conscious of the fact that the builders would challenge this allegation tooth & nail. The developers that we have spoken to have either denied existence of such practices or have even questioned the legitimacy of ASCI. 

Advocacy Real Estate Rating, RERA Rating, RERA Grading, Real Estate Brand Rating, RERA, RERA India Rating, Real Estate Regulator, Real Estate Regulation Act, RERA Success, RERA Failures, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property News, Best Property Portal, Best Real Estate News, Real Estate Journalists
Is RERA a rating agency?

Is RERA a rating agency? Does real estate regulation & promotion all about promotion, especially when RERA has not been a success story to regulate arguably India’s most dirty business. The question arises because in a couple of States the RERA had earlier announced to rate & grade the developers with much fanfare. It is a different matter that Track2Realty had questioned it since beginning as to whether RERA has stood up to the cause for which it was enacted. Whether SEBI or IRDA rates the companies which it monitors as the regulators?

Advocacy Uniform Builder Buyer Agreement, Uniform BBA, Model Builder Buyer Agreement, Supreme Court on Model Builder Buyer Agreement, Unfair Contract, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Best Property News Portal, Best Real Estate News Website, Real Estate Journalists
Will Indian home buyers finally have Uniform Builder Buyer Agreement?

Uniform Builder Buyer Agreement (BBA) has been the demand of Indian home buyers for long. In the absence of it, while the home buyers were being harassed by the unscrupulous builders, the sector was at the receiving end of poor perception in the collective consciousness. Track2Realty evaluates whether a Model Builder Buyer Agreement will be a reality after the repeated interventions by the Supreme Court of India.

Is UP Government tightening the noose around erring builders?

The question here is why are these builders not executing registries even after obtaining the OC (Occupancy Certificate) & CC (Completion Certificate) from the authorities concerned. The fact is that these smart developers delay & often deny registries to the home buyers to get maintenance of society when it is not registered. They continue to charge hefty amount in the name of society maintenance. Add ot it, revenue that they get from inflated power bills. After the registry of the apartment, majority of apartments buyers are free to form AOA (Apartment Owners’ Association). 

Advocacy RERA Members, RERA, Real Estate Regulation Act, Real Estate Regulatory Authority, RERA Success, RERA Failures, RERA Judgments, RERA Non Compliance, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India,India Property Market News, Best Property Portal, Best Real Estate News Website, Real Estate Journalists
Is RERA a rehabilitation center of ex bureaucrats?

RERA is yet again under the scanner after the Supreme Court of India questioned whether it is a rehabilitation center of ex bureaucrats. The functioning and performance of RERA, or rather lack of it, has been challenged at each and every level in now nearly 8 years of its existence. A Track2Realty report. Wait! I am not giving any opinion. My opinion is already there in the public domain. Now the Apex Court in the country, the Supreme Court of India is saying so. I have always maintained that the very purpose of RERA was defeated when the ex-Bureaucrats were made the Chairman and members.

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