Realty brand positioning not connecting with home buyers-IV
Track2Realty Survey: In this mismatch of segmentation, actual buyers are neglected in holistic branding of the company. However, it is the consumers who play a huge role in determining the credibility of a brand. It is not just the word of mouth publicity, or the lack of it, that is the reason to keep the promise to the customers; rather it also saves money to do crisis management against the negative campaign.
Real Estate Bill adds chapter to regulate unorganised property agents
The government plans to bring unorganised property agents and brokers under the ambit of the proposed real estate regulator, imposing stringent penalties including imprisonment on those who dupe buyers or operate without a valid registration.
Mumbai, Pune tops in penchant for holiday homes
A Track2Realty pan-India survey finds that despite of high spending pattern of North Indians in general and Delhi-NCR in particular their investment and aspiration for a second home is far less than the citizens of Mumbai & Pune.
The changing concept of luxury homes in India
Track2Realty: Less than ten years ago, the concept of luxury homes was firmly tied to a city’s most expensive inner locations. ‘Pin code value’ was the watchword, and developers focused on the luxury segment operated within those boundaries.