The property market in Gujarat has touched a size of Rs 72,300 crore, after it grew by 30 per cent in terms of value during 2011-12. Though unofficial estimates show the actual size of the real-estate market at Rs 1 lakh crore, figures from the state revenue department show 9.07 lakh property transactions happened across the state in 2011-12.
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After house tax, the Haryana Cabinet has reportedly targeted real estate sector in the state by approving the proposal of the department of town and country planning to increase the licence fee for residential plots, group housing and industrial colonies. Details of the increased rates shall be notified in the next couple of days, officials in the department of town and country planning said.
Jones Lang LaSalle’s markets experts have shared their expectations for the office leasing markets in Asia Pacific in the second quarter of 2012. In those markets that were experiencing office rental declines in previous quarters, the Markets teams are anticipating a slowdown in the rate of decline, for example a three to four percent fall in Grade A office rents this quarter in Hong Kong compared to an actual 6.3 percent decline in the first quarter.
Sahara India Real Estate Corp has blamed the market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) for taking up the issue of Sahara group of companies mopping up Rs 17,400 crore through debentures and ordered their refund. Sahara has this plea before the Supreme Court on Wednesday. Senior counsel Fali Nariman, appearing for Sahara India Real Estate Corp, told the apex court bench of Justice KS Radhakrishnan and Justice JS Khehar that the SEBI took up the matter even though there was no complaint from any investor.
Being blamed for being a haven for black money cartel, realty players broke their silence and instead tried to put the blame on the government for not introducing the desired reforms in the sector. However, they did not spell out if reforms are prerequisite to check the cartel of black money in the sector, why are they opposing the realty bill and a regulator.
The Indian banks have been hit the worst with the downturn of the real estate sector. Even after restructuring the loans to the developers, they have a collective deficit of Rs. 7 lakh crore. With spiraling input costs & property prices, demand in the real estate sector has been on a steady downfall. Given the declining demand, it is is unlikely that the real estate companies will be able to repay their bank loans, especially since banks are the only source of funds for the sector.
While property still remains the preferred choice of investment of nearly all the Indians, as high as 92 per cent, they are pretty scared of trading in the property market now. While new launches have few takers, most of the transactions are happening in the ready-to-move and other secondary market options.
The anti-monopoly regulator Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed the plea of two individuals against the realty company Unitech alleging that Unitech failed to fulfill its obligation by not handing over the possession on time and therefore violated section 4 of the Competition Act (2002) by abusing its dominant position.
What goes into the strategic planning of an integrated township to make it a case study in flagship project? One such integrated township in Mumbai is Kohinoor City at Kurla Vidyavihar. Atul Modak, Head of Kohinoor City says, “What we considered was the need to provide plenty of recreational space and all ultra-modern amenities. It truly had to be a ‘city’ where all their needs and luxuries could be met.
Nearly seven out of ten, 68 per cent, home buyers prefer ready-to-move property because they can avail for tax benefits only after the possession of the house. Saving tax on the EMI’s is one of the big reasons why nearly eight out of ten, 78 per cent, plan their house buying.