People familiar with Mumbai’s residential market might be aware about the special provisions developers make in their upcoming projects; swimming pool, sports arena, theme gardens, podium park and much more.
People familiar with Mumbai’s residential market might be aware about the special provisions developers make in their upcoming projects; swimming pool, sports arena, theme gardens, podium park and much more.
Franchising is basically the replication of a successful business model format across locations through like-minded partners.
The festive season looks a bit subdued for property buyers this year. The price corrections that were anticipated in the primary cities have not materialized, at least not in the hoped-for magnitude.
A mall must be a refuge from humdrum everyday life – an alternative world where everything new and desirable is available.
The Noida Extension has snowballed into controversy which could have been better avoided.
The real estate fraternity today is scared and apprehensive with what happened at the Noida Extension.
I think from a business perspective we must focus on the issue of migration and traveling from city to city which the youth is doing.
If we want to see a regulated real estate business in India, we need to first identify the role of the Government in the system.
The fact that Mumbai has once again been targeted by terrorists begs the question – what are the immediate and long-term implications of this continued focus by disruptive forces on the city?
I don’t see any reason why there has been a general perception that the role of the government is to provide low cost housing unlike private developers.