Browsing: Consumer Connect

Consumer Connect Women professionals, Women in real estate, Male dominated Indian real estate, Women branding Indian real estate, Female brokers in Indian real estate, Track2Realty, Indian real estate news, India property market
Who will fix false promises of channel partners?

Now that the Real Estate Regulation Act (RERA) brings the brokers into its ambit, the question that still stands is: What are the grey zones left which are not defined in the prescribed Act? What if the broker or builder has made the verbal promises to the buyer? What would be legal position if the marketing firm/broker misleads the buyer without the knowledge or consent of the builder?How can buyer be compensated if he has bought the property on the promise of misleading claims?

Consumer Connect Vendor Mangament, Supply chain, Real estate suppliers, Real estate developers not paying to suppliers, Nonpayment in real estate, No credit in real estate, India real estate news, Real estate news India, Indian realty news, Indian property market, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty
Time for quality third party audit in real estate?

A section of analysts maintain that it has been proved across the industries that quality audit by third party improves the product or services being offered if it has been implemented in right manner and objectives to improve the quality. As product or services gets improved in standard of quality at consistent basis then perceptions of customer towards the management also improves.

Consumer Connect Ganesh Chaturthi, Festivals, festive spirit in property market, India real estate news, Indian realty news, property news iIndia, NRIs, FDI in realty, Track2Realty
An illusion of property peaking this festive season

Such misleading claims prima facie give an impression that the property market in the Indian cities in general, and Delhi-NCR in particular, have peaked up on the eve of long festive season ahead. The claims nevertheless raise more questions than could answer as to how and why there has been sudden spurt in the sales velocity.

Consumer Connect Online Approval, Single Window Clearance, Ease of doing business, Real estate fast tracking of projects, Timely delivery of projects, India real estate news, Indian property market, NRI investment, Track2Realty
Does online clicks throw broker out of the business?

This is probably one of the wishful thoughts of the developers that have been over projected round the year (NRI investment being the other). But a ground zero study of the property market across the key cities indicate that the online property portals offering real estate deals may have made inroads like never before, this definitely is not the end of traditional brokerage or substitute of traditional format of selling through taking clients to see it and believe it.

Consumer Connect Word of Mouth, Whispering, Word of mouth publicity, Referral buyers, Buyers' recommendations, Social circle approval, Best publicity of property, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Investment in property, Track2Realty
Other side of word of mouth property purchase

Gone are the days when the overnight appreciation of property prices was enough for the fly by night operators to lure the buyers with glossy advertisements. The ROI of the advertising spend by the developers was calculated with the number of phone calls in return. The economic downturn leading to an end of era of quick appreciation, however, changed the market dynamics completely.

Consumer Connect india realty news, india real estate news, real estate news india, realty news india, india property news, property news india, india news, property news, real estate news, India Property, Track2Media, Track2Realty
Execution capability poor in real estate

Excuses galore within the sector and there is a big question mark over the execution and delivery capability of the developers. The execution failures have given a lending credence to the criticism that the developers just can not deliver on time. Delivery has emerged as a major issue even though the developers continue to blame it on external factors.

Consumer Connect Paras Downtown Square, Paras Tierea, Paras Seasons, Paras Irene, Paras Quartier, Paras Panorama, Fruads by paras, Cheating by Paras, Operation Paras Fraud, Worst builder of Noida, Worst builder of Delhi NCR, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Investment in property, Track2Realty
Paras Downtown Square buyers won against builder

Paras Buildtech has lost the maintenance and management of Paras Downtown Square, Zirakpur to the Association of the unit holders/shopowners, pursuant orders passed by Additional Chief Administrator, Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA). The Punjab and Haryana High Court has refused any interim relief to the builder against the order.

Consumer Connect 3C CSR, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty
Paradox of CSR in Indian real estate

CSR means different things to different stakeholders of India Inc. and today there is no reliable rating/valuation methodology to measure CSR standards. Most of the ranking that has been done about the most sustainable corporations is not professionally standardized or uniform.

Consumer Connect Real Estate Finance, Advisor, India Realty, Track2Realty, Track2Media
HDFC ERGO launches title insurance for property developers

The risk could be arising out of Third Party challenges not discovered prior to the commencement date of the policy due to the Title of Property belonging to someone other than the Insured, Descriptions & Plans in Historic deeds of the property being inadequate, Historic transaction being subject to an act of fraud or forgery by a third party that adversely affects insured’s rights over the title of the property, Title to the Property being subject to Unknown Burdens or Discharge of Burdens which may have been imposed in historic deeds executed prior to the commencement date etc.

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