Browsing: Consumer Connect
Consumer Connect

How real estate investment differs from speculation?
News Point: Though investors and speculators are often used in…
Consumer Connect

The upside of high residential inventory
News Point: Supply/demand mismatch in terms of price and configurations…
Consumer Connect

How long does a modern concrete building last?
News Point: The world is gradually becoming one big concrete…
Consumer Connect

Jail term for homebuyers balances regulator advantage
News Point: If the regulator was mooted out as an…
Consumer Connect

What regulatory bill will do for homebuyers?
News Point: Now that the Real Estate Regulatory Bill has…
Consumer Connect

Selling on carpet area case study in best practices
Bottom Line: Carpet area in proportion to the super built-up…
Consumer Connect

Investors project riders in realty market
To say that investors are anchors and project riders would…
Consumer Connect

Waiting too long for a price correction?
When we talk about home buyers sitting on the fence, we are basically talking about buyers who want to buy a home but are indecisive. Implied therein is that such buyers have the capital to buy now if they choose to – they point is they are not choosing to.