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Track2Realty is an independent media group managed by a consortium of journalists. Starting as the first e-newspaper in the Indian real estate sector in 2011, the group has today evolved as a think-tank on the sector with specialized research reports and rating & ranking. We are editorially independent and free from commercial bias and/or influenced by investors or shareholders. Our editorial team has no clash of interest in practicing high quality journalism that is free, frank & fearless. Now you can subscribe our YouTube Channel @

Beyond Headlines North Country Mall Chandigarh, Virtuous Retail South Asia, Retail in Punjab, India real estate news, Indian property market, India housing news

Virtuous Retail acquires North Country mall for 700 crores

Virtuous Retail South Asia has acquired the 2 million sq ft North Country Mall from Sun Apollo/Gumberg for INR 700 crores (USD 108 MM), including paying down debt. With this acquisition, VRSA establishes its presence in North India, adding to its existing award winning portfolio of community-centric centers VR Surat and VR Bangalore, and the 2 million sq ft. VR Chennai slated to open in Q4 2017.

Consumer Connect Peninsula Land Celestia Space, Mumbai real estate, India real estate news, Record sale in Indian property, Track2Realty

Is location only driver in real estate?

‘Location, Location & Location’ has been the tried and tested format of success in the Indian real estate. It has been the best calling card for the developers. Many even assumed that if the developer has got a piece of land in any of the highly desirable locations, that itself is enough to sell the project.

Commercial Sobha City Thrissur, Sobha Ltd, Thrissur real estate, Large format malls, retail spaces in Thrissur, Indian real estate news, India property market, India real estate newsmagazine, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Are central business districts losing to periphery locations?

Are the CBDs really losing out as the benchmark of economic activity in the major cities of India? Well, if only Gurgaon business destinations as against Connaught Place or Nehru Place in Delhi-NCR are any indication, or if only BKC and Navi Mumbai as against Nariman Point in Mumbai is any indication, then the CBDs have lost a significant ground by all means of reputation and economic scale.

Market Rating Noida property market, Noida real estate, BKC property, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai real estate, Delhi-NCR property, Track2Realty

BKC & Noida contrary case studies of urban development

It is the roll out of the policies by the respective urban bodies that have been behind the BKC emerging as a case study of urbanisation with booming economy while Noida ending up as a ghost city sitting over piles of unsold housing stock. Both the markets nevertheless had the tremendous potential in its early stage of inception.

Market Rating Faridabad, Faridabad Property market, Track2Realty, Delhi-NCR property market

Social & physical infrastructure sync in Faridabad

The proposed Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) also promises to change the Faridabad landscape opening floodgates of opportunity. The DMIC stretch that touches Faridabad-Palwal is poised to open floodgates of economic opportunities with world class infrastructure at the doorsteps of Faridabad.

Headlines Smart City, Smart Urban Governance, New urban centres, Track2Realty

Smart citizens DNA of smart cities

India definitely has to do a lot of catching up as far as smart urban governance and the participation of citizens are concerned. Failing to involve the citizens, the smart cities will only end up having state-of-the-art infrastructure and poor follow-up leading to smart urban chaos for the future.

Market Rating SARE Homes Ghaziabad, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Ghaziabad yet to unlock its potential

Las Vegas, London and also Ghaziabad in the same league! Believe it or not but the western hinterland of Uttar Pradesh was chosen to be having the potential to be among the 10 most dynamic cities of the world. A Newsweek survey, which put the city on the global map, said so as early as in 2006, but since then it seems the city has weathered many challenges in its quest for glory and fame as an urban metropolis city.

Consumer Connect Track2Realty, Track2Media, India Real Estate, Valuations of Real Estate, Realty News, Property News,

Know your budget before home buying

The budget factor can only lead to identifying one’s requirements and priorities with regards to location, number of bedrooms and amenities that one aspires to have. If the borrower has done his affordability calculation and knows his repayment and other expenses, then only one is technically and financially ready to borrow with full knowledge of his capacity to repay a loan, in addition to any savings one may be using as a down payment. These simple check marks will go a long way in deciding the future home and whether or not you are over leveraging yourself.

Consumer Connect Homebuyer, Home Finance, Indian property market, Indian housing reforms, Property market regulations, Real estate understanding, Real Estate tips, Real estate guide, Track2Media Research Pvt Ltd, Track2Realty, Homebuyers Knowledge, NRI Investors, NRI investment pattern

Homebuyers must know credit reliability

Credit Worthiness is defined by individual’s Credit Score which is calculated based on her/his credit history. Credit history is basically how much debt an individual owes or had in the past; how was the payment schedule – regular, timely, late, etc; how often does one borrow; is person a loan guarantor in any transaction; and so on so forth. All these indicate at borrower’s current financial health and repayment capability.

Consumer Connect india realty news, india real estate news, real estate news india, realty news india, india property news, property news india, india news, property news, real estate news, India Property, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Builders must involve the homebuyers

Buyers today wish to be part of the construction process. The question is to what extent it is feasible to bridge the trust deficit in the sector by involving the buyer. For example, a developer with plans of multi-city villa project has asked the home buyers to customize their requirements themselves on the developer’s website. The idea is to get the feedback of the end users’ needs and aspirations.

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