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Column Ravi Sinha, CEO & Managing Editor Track2Media Research Pvt Ltd, Track2Realty, Investment Magnet Report, Indian best housing projects, NRI investment in Indian property, Indian real estate market, Indian property market, Indian real estate news, Indian property magazines

Diary of a real estate journalist

It was 9 AM in the morning and the repeat ring of call bell forced me to wake up. It is not easy for a journalist to leave bed so early after the occupational hazards of late night assignments. I opened the door with visible anger on my face, only to find a smiling PR guy whose smile actually made me even more angry.

Consumer Connect Homebuyer Confusion, Confused homebuyer, Homebuyers grievances, Homebuyers' legal options, India real estate news, Indian property market news, Track2Realty

RERA realities & concerns of homebuyers

Moving forward, the moot point is whether the builders would decide to postpone their new launches keeping RERA in mind to avoid mid way issues. Within the built environment of real estate it is increasingly being questioned as to whether penalising builders for delays in the projects is justified given they rely on so many external factors. At one point government is coming up with consumer friendly RERA 2017 on the other hand government does not have any system or mechanism to give time bound permission to real estate sector developer, then how government will be successful in implementing the real estate.

Market Rating Senior Housing in India, Elderly Living, Homes for senior citizens, Real estate news India, India property market, Track2Realty

Senior housing USP of Bhiwadi

Bhiwadi, as a matter of fact, has been the first town to conceptualise what is the most need-based housing in India. Facts speak for themselves. There are 98 million people over 55 with a steady growth of 3.5 per cent per annum. In terms of market numbers, in an analysis of 135 urban cities with a total population of 223 million and 52 million households, as many as 12.8 million families have senior citizens.

Consumer Connect Professional Stress, Real estate professionals, Client demand, brokers pressure, NRI investment, real estate salary, real estate depression, unprofessional real estate, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Misleading terms used by builders

Amidst all the misleading claims and marketing exaggerations, location mapping is the most glaring one. Generally maps are not to scale and give the wrong perception of the location of the project. For example, the brochure will say 10 minutes from the airport or commercial district; it does not state distance in kilometres.

Market Rating Noida Extension, Greater Noida Property, Greater Noida West, Delhi-NCR Property, Indian real estate market, India property market, Real estate news portal, real estate website, Real estate news in India, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty, NRI property market, Investment in Delhi-NCR

Noida Extension weathered many challenges

Largely viewed in the collective consciousness as the most affordable market of Delhi-NCR, probably the authorities did no justice to this market by positioning it as yet another micro market to supplement Noida and Greater Noida. More than the controversies and the litigations, the positioning of the market has been a challenge.

Consumer Connect Legal Hammer, Judicial Review, Real estate regulator, Regulation in property market, Builders cheating, real estate fraud in India, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Immediate whiff of change with RERA

The expectation of an overnight change is because the Act is a result of years of expectations on part of the buyers. The developers, on their part, are also changing their business strategy overnight to play it safe with the new regulatory regime.

Commercial - india realty news, india real estate news, real estate news india, realty news india, india property news, property news india, india news, property news, real estate news, India Property, Delhi NCR real estate, Mumbai Real Estate, Bangalore Real Estate, Pune Real Estate news,Track2Media, Track2Realty, ravi sinha

Commercial heat map witness to changing housing needs

Urban planning experts believe this is a much deeper question because it is not just about the existing urban centres but also about the way urbanisation is eventually going to happen in this country. As per the UN statistics the urban population of 40 crore in India would be 60 crore in less than 20 years of time. It clearly suggests that the existing cities won’t be able to fit in this additional 20 crore population, whether indigenous or migrants.

Market Rating NH 47, National Highway 47, NHAI, National Highway Authority of India, India real estate news, Indian property market

NH 47 home to property boom

NH 47 is currently undergoing conversion from two lane to four lane, with some sections being converted to six lane. The stretch between Coimbatore and Trivandrum via Kochi is one of the busiest among the Indian highways, with most of the traffic in this stretch comprising of trucks carrying consumer goods, construction material, container lorries and passenger vehicles. A large number of industries and textile parks are located on the highway between Coimbatore, Erode and Tiruppur districts. This highway is often referred as the lifeline for the industries in the region.

Headlines indian real estate news, realty news india, india property news, india infrastructure news, track2realty, track2media, ravi sinha, Infrastructure development, National highway

Why Tier II cities could not share load of top 8 cities?

The supply of quality housing even today is confined to eight key cities. It is not that the new cities are not coming up, but neither the investors nor even the end users want to buy a house in Tier II cities today. The dream and aspiration is always Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune kind of life.

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