Author Track2Realty

Track2Realty is an independent media group managed by a consortium of journalists. Starting as the first e-newspaper in the Indian real estate sector in 2011, the group has today evolved as a think-tank on the sector with specialized research reports and rating & ranking. We are editorially independent and free from commercial bias and/or influenced by investors or shareholders. Our editorial team has no clash of interest in practicing high quality journalism that is free, frank & fearless. Now you can subscribe our YouTube Channel @

Advocacy india realty news, india real estate news, real estate news india, realty news india, india property news, property news india, india news, property news, real estate news, India Property, land acquisition bill, parliament of india, Government of India

Policy advocacy contradictory in Indian real estate

During the CREDAI national convention few years back, a miffed real estate seemed to settle scores with the then Union Urban Development Minister Kamal Nath. Displaying stiff opposition to the proposed real estate regulator, the builders’ body went critique to say it is not actually a regulator bill, but builders’ harassment and public amusement bill.

Headlines Best practices, Best practices in Indian real estate, Professional practices in Indian real estate, Cheating in real estate, Builders cheating buyers, Consumer complaints in Indian real estate, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market news, Track2Realty, Track2Media Research

Miles to go for best practices in Indian real estate

The developers are by and large living in denial. The deep rooted psyche is that once the market conditions improve the buyers have no choice but to run for an asset class that is not only need-based but also a business where the demand far exceeds the supply. This medieval thought process is in fact the biggest roadblock in the way of best practices gaining ground in the Indian real estate.

Consumer Connect Homebuyer Confusion, Confused homebuyer, Homebuyers grievances, Homebuyers' legal options, India real estate news, Indian property market news, Track2Realty

Indian homebuyers struggling for basic consumer rights

Some discussions about best practices in the Indian real estate has started because today the investors also do not want their money to be locked in an asset that is neither growing nor is likely to get delivered. Worse even, there is no authority or court in India that has been successful in getting a stalled project restarted or in forcing a bankrupt builder into selling his assets to compensate his allottees.

Consumer Connect Supertech Sports Village. Sports Republik, Greater Noida West Property, Noida Extension property market, Greno West Real estate, RK Arora, Sports-themed housing projects, Indian real estate market, Indian property market, India real estate news, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Supertech facility management a case study in conflict

The residents of a housing society, Supertech Emerald Court, in Noida were taken aback one fine morning when they found the office of facility management locked. The builder had left the maintenance overnight after having tussle with the Residents’ Welfare Association (RWA) for quite some time over the maintenance, or rather the lack of it. The residents alleged that the builder had left them in the lurch as it was not a proper handover of maintenance to the RWA.

Headlines Victoryone Central, Victory Group, Victory Infraprojects, Victoryone Infraprojects, Sudhir Agarwal, Greater Noida West, Noida Extension, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty, Best news on Indian real estate

Victoryone buyers coerced to pay arbitrary demands

Coercing the buyers at the project Victoryone Central in Noida Extension to pay arbitrary demands, the builder is flouting all business ethics, established market norms and his own one-sided Builder Buyer Agreement (BBA).

Headlines NGT, National Green Tribunal, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Indian property market, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

NGT stay order against dump yard in Noida 138A

When Gaurav Choudhury, a journalist by profession, bought an apartment in Noida Sector 137 along Noida-Greater Noida Expressway, he was confident to invest in an organized property market where the master plan being rolled out by the Noida Authority could tell him about the present and future developments.

Consumer Connect Vendor Mangament, Supply chain, Real estate suppliers, Real estate developers not paying to suppliers, Nonpayment in real estate, No credit in real estate, India real estate news, Real estate news India, Indian realty news, Indian property market, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Poor vendor management in Indian real estate

A section of home equipment suppliers even admit that over-dependence on builder contracts that ensure bulk buying, going overboard on commitments and under-utilisation of retail network are the major reasons why they are trapped in a vicious circle today.

Headlines Holiday Home, Second Home, Luxury Home, Investment Home, Homes for holidays, Holiday Homes, India real estate news, Real estate news India, Indian Realty News , Indian Property Market, Investment for weekend, Weekend Homes, Track2Realty, Track2Media Research

Symbiotic relation of holiday home & affordable home?

There is a growing debate within the realm of second home market as to what is the psychograph of the buyer. Whether they actually go for affordability or location or amenities, or all these factors collectively drive the second home buyers. These are the emerging market realities and till recently the property investment pattern across the country in general and Mumbai in particular suggested that there existed a symbiotic relation between the second home and an affordable home.

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