Author Track2Realty

Track2Realty is an independent media group managed by a consortium of journalists. Starting as the first e-newspaper in the Indian real estate sector in 2011, the group has today evolved as a think-tank on the sector with specialized research reports and rating & ranking. We are editorially independent and free from commercial bias and/or influenced by investors or shareholders. Our editorial team has no clash of interest in practicing high quality journalism that is free, frank & fearless. Now you can subscribe our YouTube Channel @

Headlines india realty news, india real estate news, real estate news india, realty news india, india property news, property news india, india news, property news, real estate news, India Property

Bank lending to realty won’t decline

Though the Reserve Bank of India has laid out strict due diligence standards for banks for sanctioning loans to the real estate sector, industry experts believe lending to the sector will not decline.

Company News india realty news, india real estate news, real estate news india, realty news india, india property news, property news india, india news, property news, real estate news, India Property, Sahara homes, Sahara India Real Estate, Subrata Roy

SC to hear Sahara plea against SEBI order today

The Supreme Court will today hear the Sahara group firm’s plea against the SEBI order to return the money, along with 15 per cent interest, collected from investors through its Optionally Fully Convertible Debentures scheme.

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