Author Track2Realty

Track2Realty is an independent media group managed by a consortium of journalists. Starting as the first e-newspaper in the Indian real estate sector in 2011, the group has today evolved as a think-tank on the sector with specialized research reports and rating & ranking. We are editorially independent and free from commercial bias and/or influenced by investors or shareholders. Our editorial team has no clash of interest in practicing high quality journalism that is free, frank & fearless. Now you can subscribe our YouTube Channel @

Headlines india realty news, india real estate news, real estate news india, realty news india, india property news, property news india, india news, property news, real estate news, India Property

Noida farmers take to streets for more compensation

An estimated 300,000 homebuyers and home owners could be affected if farmers in 24 villages along the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway succeed in their agitation for the return of their land taken over by the Noida Authority in 2003.

Commercial india realty news, india real estate news, real estate news india, realty news india, india property news, property news india, india news, property news, real estate news, India Property, CB Richard Ellis, CBRE, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Office space leasing soars 33% in Apr-Jun

Realty consultant CB Richard Ellis India said on Wednesday, July 20, leasing activities for office spaces in major cities during April-June period has increased by over 33% to eight million sq ft compared to the previous quarter.

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