Author Track2Realty

Track2Realty is an independent media group managed by a consortium of journalists. Starting as the first e-newspaper in the Indian real estate sector in 2011, the group has today evolved as a think-tank on the sector with specialized research reports and rating & ranking. We are editorially independent and free from commercial bias and/or influenced by investors or shareholders. Our editorial team has no clash of interest in practicing high quality journalism that is free, frank & fearless. Now you can subscribe our YouTube Channel @

Company News Tata Wallbook, CSR, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Scaling real estate on the promised 8 Ps-IV

Track2Realty Exclusive: Placement stands as the fifth P of branding. The built environment in branding is all about heightening the customer’s experience and amplifying the aura of brand’s essence. Hence, the branded environment, the moment of truth, is where it must live the brand by staging immaculate detailing that engages all senses of the discerning luxury consumer.

Brand Rating Realty Branding, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Realty brand positioning not connecting with home buyers-V

Track2Realty Survey: What has been a surprise finding of the survey is the fact that radio, a medium of the past that has reinvented itself in recent years, is a very powerful tool to capture the home buyers’ attention. 62 per cent of the home buyers’ even recall the radio jingle of the projects and that is too high a dividend for the top-of-the-mind recall value of the brand. However, the rate of this interest translating into buying decision depends on a number of other factors.

Consumer Connect Ravi Sinha, Editor, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Why Consumer Confidence Index is needed in Indian realty?

Track2Realty Exclusive: When we conceptualised the idea of having a jury to rate and rank the realty companies, added with our conducting a pan-India survey to understand what shapes the brand perception of real estate companies and how the leading companies fare on the given parameter, we felt something is still missing in our analysis.

Company News Realty Branding-1, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Scaling real estate on the promised 8 Ps-III

Track2Realty Exclusive: Persona stands for the third P and it is something that has been all elusive in the real estate. The persona of a luxury brand is largely a consequence of distinctive projection and coherence of the application. The visual brand identity captures the brand’s personality, mystique & emotional values in a nutshell.

Brand Rating Realty Ad, FReal Estate Advertising, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty

Realty brand positioning not connecting with home buyers-IV

Track2Realty Survey: In this mismatch of segmentation, actual buyers are neglected in holistic branding of the company. However, it is the consumers who play a huge role in determining the credibility of a brand. It is not just the word of mouth publicity, or the lack of it, that is the reason to keep the promise to the customers; rather it also saves money to do crisis management against the negative campaign.

Consumer Connect Priyanka Manjari, IHC, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property new, Home, Policy Advocacy, Activism, Mall, Retail, Office space, SEZ, IT/ITeS, Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Project, Location, Regulation, FDI, Taxation, Investment, Banking, Property Management, Ravi Sinha, Track2Media, Track2Realty

My choice as a home buyer-II

Track2Realty Exclusive: Even if I compromise with what I want and surrender to what I need, as per the definition of realtor/broker, will I get my house possession on time? Will the construction be as good and space as much as promised?

Company News india realty news, india real estate news, real estate news india, realty news india, india property news, property news india, india news, property news, real estate news, India Property, Delhi NCR real estate, Mumbai Real Estate, Bangalore Real Estate, Pune Real Estate news,Track2Media, Track2Realty

Scaling real estate on the promised 8 Ps-II

Track2Realty Exclusive: When it comes to the first P, that is Performance, the brand is measured at two levels—product level and experience level. At the product level, it must satisfy the functional and utilitarian characteristic as well as deliver on its practical physical attributes. It must stand up to the expected quality or design excellence ingredients like creativity, exclusivity, craftsmanship, precision, materials, high quality & innovation.

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