Author Track2Realty

Track2Realty is an independent media group managed by a consortium of journalists. Starting as the first e-newspaper in the Indian real estate sector in 2011, the group has today evolved as a think-tank on the sector with specialized research reports and rating & ranking. We are editorially independent and free from commercial bias and/or influenced by investors or shareholders. Our editorial team has no clash of interest in practicing high quality journalism that is free, frank & fearless. Now you can subscribe our YouTube Channel @

Company News Track2Realty Investment Magnet Report 2015, Track2Media Research Pvt Ltd, Indian property investment guide, Best housing projects in India, Top residential project in India, NRI investment choice, Indian real estate market, India property market

Track2Realty releases Investment Magnet Report 2015

In an opaque real estate market where house hunt has been a travail and challenging for most of the Indians, Track2Realty takes up the challenge of finding not one but 100 most promising housing projects in the country. From Bangalore to Chennai, Mumbai to Ahmedabad, and Gurgaon to Kasauli; it has been a worm’s-eye view of thousands of housing projects to find 100 best that could stand out as the investment magnet in this first-of-its-kind study.

Finance A2Z of Housing, Housing Investment, Track2Realty Investment magnet Report, Property investment, NRI investment in Property, Track2Media Research Pvt Ltd, Indian housing market

A2Z of housing investment

Track2Realty Investment Magnet Report 2015 tries to decode the alphabets of India’s housing market. The editorial team has not invented these alphabetic connotations and everyone in the sector is well aware of the alphabetic practices as well, yet we simplify it for the average investors and homebuyers who often forget the basics that make their fortunes vary. Familiarity with the given A to Z is often the difference between a skilled homebuyer and a novice.

Beyond Headlines - india realty news, india real estate news, real estate news india, realty news india, india property news, property news india, india news, property news, real estate news, India Property, Delhi NCR real estate, Mumbai Real Estate, Bangalore Real Estate, Pune Real Estate news,Track2Media, Track2Realty, ravi sinha

Best asset class for investment; concerns galore with real estate

Some key findings that indicate the aspiration quotient and standing of the Indian real estate:

88% Indians find real estate is still best asset class to invest
72% believe pre-launch or early stage of construction is best bargain
78% maintain upcoming locations give better returns than prime localities
84% homebuyers are sulking & repent their home buying decision
46% homebuyers have too serious issues with the developer to reconcile

Analysis Ravi Sinha, CEO & Managing Editor Track2Media Research Pvt Ltd, Track2Realty, Investment Magnet Report, Indian best housing projects, NRI investment in Indian property, Indian real estate market, Indian property market, Indian real estate news, Indian property magazines

Why Investment Magnet Report?

In the last five years of our editorial journey our constant endeavor has been to establish Track2Realty as a constructive critic of Indian real estate. In the process we have also succeeded in setting up a few benchmark along the way where Track2Realty has been accepted as the milestone of high quality journalism.

Analysis Suvishesh Valsan, Indian real estate news, Indian realty news, Indian property market, JLLI, Track2Media, Track2Realty

What high streets can learn from malls

The meteoric growth of e-commerce in India in recent years was broadly seen as a threat to physical retail. Seemingly bearing this out, ASSOCHAM states that e-commerce has grown at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of ~30%, while retail sector growth has been at 15% CAGR over the last five years.

Analysis Kishor Pate, CMD, Amit Enterprises Housing, Pune real estate, India real estate news, Indian realty news, India property market, India investment, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Festive season boosts demand for affordable homes in Pune

In a price-sensitive market like Pune, affordable housing is always in demand. The city’s working and earning middle class is constantly on the lookout for good homes available within their budget. This festive season, the Pune market is showing signs of increased activity as always, but the onus is on homes which fit people’s budgets.

Consumer Connect india realty news, india real estate news, real estate news india, realty news india, india property news, property news india, india news, property news, real estate news, India Property

Should you invest in a weekend home?

Weekend homes, also called second homes or vacation homes, are currently an oasis of market activity in India’s the otherwise lacklustre residential real estate sector. In earlier years, only the affluent could and would invest in them – today, these properties are generating interest even from the country’s middle class.

Advocacy Arvind Jain, Pride Group, Pune real estate market, India real estate news, Indian realty news, India property market, Track2Realty, Track2Media Research

Pune awakes to transit-oriented development

All over the world, cities are facing the challenge of uncontrolled urbanisation. According to the United Nations, 54% of the population across the world today resides in urban areas, and that this figure will rise to 66% by 2050. An accompanying fact is that urbanization is happening too fast, and without adequate foresight and planning.

Industry Movement Home Credit, Home Credit Finance Company, Home Finance, EMI Calculator, Indian property market, Indian real estate market, Indian realty news, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Home Credit initiates festive campaign

Home Credit India Finance, a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) has announced a festive campaign that offers customers, especially first-time borrowers in over 30 cities across 13 states, a chance to buy products of their choice at customized EMIs.

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