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Track2Realty is an independent media group managed by a consortium of journalists. Starting as the first e-newspaper in the Indian real estate sector in 2011, the group has today evolved as a think-tank on the sector with specialized research reports and rating & ranking. We are editorially independent and free from commercial bias and/or influenced by investors or shareholders. Our editorial team has no clash of interest in practicing high quality journalism that is free, frank & fearless. Now you can subscribe our YouTube Channel @

Editorial Sultan Ebrahim Alkaraf, Dubai property market, Gulf property, Middle East Investment, NRI investment in UAE, India real estate news, India property news, Indian realty market, Track2Realty

Ease of business and easy exit brand differentiator of Dubai: Sultan Ebrahim Alakraf

Dubai property market has been centre of attraction for the investors from across the world. Indians, of course, have been a significant contributors and Dubai rates India as the second largest investor country after the UK. Sultan Ebrahim Alakraf, Senior Director of Land Department, Government of Dubai, shares with Ravi Sinha how Dubai has been consciously trying to create its own brand differentiator with ease of doing business and easy exit to the investors. Excerpts of an exclusive interview:

Brand Rating SARE Olympia, SARE Homes, Gurgaon real estate, Sports theme housing, Indian real estate news, Real estate news India, Track2Realty Theme-based housing in India

SARE Olympia – 17 acre sports-themed housing

Olympia has been designed keeping in mind the fact that the presence and availability of playing spaces and active sports for children works wonders for their health and also sharpens their minds and personalities. With in-built privacy for families, ample play spaces for children, proximity to work, access to good healthcare and educational institutions, ‘Olympia’ is the perfect package for the entire family.

Commercial Sobha City Thrissur, Sobha Ltd, Thrissur real estate, Large format malls, retail spaces in Thrissur, Indian real estate news, India property market, India real estate newsmagazine, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Location matters but can’t be sole retail driver

Location matters and so does a good understanding of the consumer market where a mall is located. Successful retail positioning relies on research into the local consumer market and securing anchor tenants. Once a mall opens, retail property managers must be proactive in asset management, maintaining an optimal mix of tenants and tracking retailers’ performances.

Beyond Headlines Property Registration, Leasehold Property, Freehold Property, Property laws in India, Property fraud, Track2Realty

Property re-sale procedure vague and prone to misuse

A homebuyer in Noida wished to sell his newly delivered apartment before the formal registry to the other party. As per the law, there is no transfer charge applicable since the said property has not been registered in the name of the first party itself and stamp duty is yet to be paid. However, he was taken by surprise when the builder asked for Rs. 2 lakh fee in the name of expenses with the Noida Authority.

The builders’ stand is that once the allotment letter is given to the buyers, he has to submit the list to the authority and henceforth there are expenses involved.

Finance Pune City, Pune real estate market, Pune property market, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Property news of India, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Stress in slow Pune market; hope in last quarter

With the prices virtually stagnant and the industry being plagued with an ever increasing inventory for sale the market is in a mode of a gradual downward drift. However, even though the city property market has been witness to stagnation, there is still hope in the last quarter of the fiscal year due to underlying factor that while the property prices in the city have increased only nominally, affordability has risen with rising salaries, lower interest rate and lower inflation.

Analysis Senior Housing in India, Elderly Living, Homes for senior citizens, Real estate news India, India property market, Track2Realty

The senior living sector in India

The senior living sector in India is at a crossroad. With the relaxation of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) restrictions on investments in the sector and increasing population of seniors (over 100 million seniors in India at present) to cater to, there clearly exists an untapped opportunity for investment and development in this sector.

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