Author Track2Realty

Track2Realty is an independent media group managed by a consortium of journalists. Starting as the first e-newspaper in the Indian real estate sector in 2011, the group has today evolved as a think-tank on the sector with specialized research reports and rating & ranking. We are editorially independent and free from commercial bias and/or influenced by investors or shareholders. Our editorial team has no clash of interest in practicing high quality journalism that is free, frank & fearless. Now you can subscribe our YouTube Channel @


Mortgage rates not home buying deterrent: Track2Realty survey

Affordable housing is witness to degrowth at a time when luxury housing is on a roll. A perception has hence gained ground that the higher interest rates in the range of 8.5-9% is what is the bottleneck for the buyers. However, the fence sitting buyers across the country, more so in the affordable segment, don’t think so. They rather cite the empirical evidence when the housing market was on a roll even when the interest rates were in double digit.

Finance Income Tax, Income Tax Rebate, Income Tax Exemption, 12 Lakh Income Tax, Income Tax & Home Buyer, India's Consumption, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Property Market News, Best Property News Portal, Best Real Estate News Website, Real Estate Journalists, Property Journalists

Income Tax rebate up to INR 12 lakh leading to home buying?

Union Budget has been a hit in terms of the PR & headlines management. But it has largely failed to address the concerns of the Indian middle class reeling under hyper-inflation, lower wage growth, rising property prices, depleting domestic savings and increasing household debt. To make them believe that the Income Tax exemption limit of INR 12 lakhs has qualified them to buy a house is only adding insult to their injury. China with more or less similar challenges and as large demography has weathered this challenge in a far more structured manner, after the Covid crisis. The question is whether we are ready to learn the art of managing economy from the neighboring country with bigger economy, GDP and Per Capita Income?

Headlines Fast Track Court, Speedy Justice, Real Estate Cases, Property Cases, Real Estate Disputes, Property Disputes, Home Buyer Rights, Home Buyer Disputes, Home Buyer Cases, India Real Estate News, Indian Property News, Real Estate News India, Best Property Portal, Best Real Estate Website, Property Journalist, Real Estate Journalist

Fast track courts needed for speedy disposal of property disputes

On being asked about the vicious cycle of trust deficit in property market, a Dubai RERA member interrupts me. He asserts there is instead a virtuous cycle of trust; something that has goaded nationals of 100 plus countries to invest in the emirates. The reality is that Dubai property market was no different than the Indian real estate till 2008. What changed Dubai property market and where India can learn from emirates is in setting up fast track courts. A Track2Realty report.


Labelling honest journalism as anti-builder

It’s not that I don’t stand with the builders where the support is due on principled ground. I can easily recall how in the year 2017 I had to stand by a builder who was being harassed by the powerful CEO of a powerful development body. The bureaucrat had demanded one apartment, and denial led to bulldozing over the project boundary walls much after grant of OC & CC. As a journalist, I was with the builder for a sting operation and also sent him to a couple of TV news channels to air his grievances. The officer’s troll army had a field day against me, but I stood my ground till the bureaucrat was transferred. Will an anti-builder journalist do that?

Headlines Large Listed Developers, Large Real Estate Developers, Listed Real Estate Developers, Worth ofListed Developers, Top Line of Listed Developers, Market Size of Listed Developers, Listed Developers in India, Big Real Estate Brands, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Best Property Portal, Best Real Estate News, Real Estate Journalists, Property Journalist

Large & listed developers commanding real estate market in India

Evaluation of the real estate brands has never been as challenging in India as it is now. After all, the large & listed real estate developers across the country are exhibiting identical patterns with their performance. Nearly all of them are witness to their best-ever fiscal topline as well as stock performance. The combined market share, fiscal performance and market cap of some 20-0dd listed real estate companies would be more than half the revenue of Indian real estate.

Finance Property Loss, Property Profit, Property Returns, Property ROI, Property Pains & Gains, Real Estate Returns, Real Estate ROI, Real Estate Profit, Real Estate Loss, Pains & Gains of Real Estate, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Best Property Portal, Best Real Estate Website, Real Estate Journalist, Property Journalist

Is real estate really insulated against losses?

Call it influence peddling of the real estate stakeholders, or a thought-process that is culturally ingrained in the minds of the Indians, but the collective consciousness is made to believe that real estate investments are insulated against losses. Track2Realty questions the rationale. Real estate as an asset class has been oversold with the promise that you can never suffer losses with a physical asset, unlike stocks and mutual funds where an investor can suffer huge losses. To top it all, there is a general belief that real estate offers the best Return on Investment (ROI).

Headlines Corrupt Journalist, Corrupt Media, Real Estate Media, Property Media, Real Estate Journalist, Property Journalist, Corruption in Media, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property News, Real Estate Journalist, Property Journalist, Best Property Portal, Best Real Estate Website

Is real estate media corrupt or directionless?

Some of the English dailies had come up with marvellous marketing idea, as they called it then, of barter deals which they thought was a win-win for both the media houses as well as the builders. They got into a barter deal where builder got crores of advertising space with the publication without a single rupee exchanging hands. In such deals, the media houses instead of advertising revenue got that much exchange value of property in the upcoming projects of these builders. Property supplements were launched by the mainline newspapers that violated all ethics of journalism to glorify the builders and their projects. Such was the clout of these builders that they even interfered in the editorial policies of these newspapers. They felt empowered & free to label the news copy and the journalists as negative, if they didn’t like a news item. 

Finance Under Construction Property, Ready to Move Property, Property Price Index, Property Price Trends, Property Acquisition Cost, Home Buying Cost, Home Prices in India, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property News, Best Property Portal, Best Real Estate News Website, Real Estate Journalist, Property Journalist

How Under Construction apartments cost you more than Ready to Move?

When I said it in one of the podcasts that it is better to buy a Ready to Move apartment as it is never a costly proposition, as perceived by the home buyers at large. Compared to Under Construction, a Ready to Move apartment is loaded with execution assurance, peace of mind, and almost no additional financial burden. Ever since that I was flooded with very many queries to elaborate on the same. The questions are being raised by not just the critics within the built environment of Indian real estate this time who love to hate my critical take on the sector. A number of concerned home buyers too asked me in the comment section of the podcast to delve deeper for their better understanding. 

Consumer Connect Property in Portfolio, Real Estate in Portfolio, Real Estate Asset, Property Asset, Real Estate Investment, Property Investment, Real Estate ROI, Property ROI, Real Estate Advantage, Property Advantage, India Real Estate News, Indian Realty News, Real Estate News India, Indian Property Market News, Best Property Portal, Best Real Estate Website, Real Estate Journalist, Property Journalist

Why should you have real estate in an investment portfolio?

Whether one should have real estate in the portfolio of investments or not is an age-old debate. World over, it is as much a topic of discussion within the built environment of real estate as with personal finance. Arguments on both sides of the divide have their own merit, but the fact remains that there is no one size fits all answer. The personal finance pros believe that stock market & mutual funds reward are far greater in the range of 14-18% per annum. The real estate proponents, on the other hand, assert that real estate rewards are no less over a longer period of time, and it also saves the investors from the cyclic high market volatility. A Track2Realty report.   

Consumer Connect

Stock market correction doesn’t make sense for property purchase

The recent correction of Indian stock market has reignited the age-old debate of real estate versus stock market. In the last few weeks I am asked at various forum, it’s rather bombardment of arguments, why I don’t accept the reality of property market being a safer bet with lesser volatility. A little bit of correction in stock market makes every stakeholders & influencers of property cite it as to how property is the safest asset class. All that I can say is that I am amused with the logic, or rather lack of it.

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